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Discipleship Training Program And He said to
them, "You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all soul, and with all your
"This is the great and foremost commandment. "The second is like
it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments
depend the whole Law and the Prophets."
main KairosMan directory. * * * Just published 10-10-2020
* * * Click the underlined
the underlined homework
Key Point: Jesus is the seed
Law of Moses
1 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the seed
Law of Moses
2 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the Angel
Law of Moses
3 Homework:
Key Point: Joseph saving
His people
Law of Moses
4 Homework:
Key Point: The twelve tribes
Law of Moses
5 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the Prophet
Law of Moses
6 Homework:
Key Point: … born not of blood,
Law of Moses
7 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus said to them,
“I am
Law of Moses
8 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus said to him,
“I am
Law of Moses
9 Homework:
Key Point: … Jesus … “Behold
Law of Moses
10 Homework:
Key Point: … marriage of the
Law of Moses
11 Homework:
Key Point: ... he saw a man not
Law of Moses
12 Homework:
Key Point: “And
as Moses lifted up
Law of Moses
13 Homework:
Key Point: Teach your kids –
Law of Moses
14 Homework:
Key Point: History is the starting
Law of Moses
15 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the
Law of Moses
16 Homework:
Key Point: Moses and Aaron were
Law of Moses
17 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the King
Law of Moses
18 Homework:
Key Point: God revealed Himself
Law of Moses
19 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the child
Law of Moses
20 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus made an end
Law of Moses
21 Homework:
Key Point: For all the people
Law of Moses
22 Homework:
Key Point: … the
things that proceed
Law of Moses
23 Homework:
Key Point: Whosoever
is angry
Law of Moses
24 Homework:
Key Point: Work
for food which
Law of Moses
25 Homework:
Click the underlined
the underlined homework
Now He said to them, "These
are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all
things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and
Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." Then He
opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, ....
Week 1: Genesis Overview Week 1 Homework: Read Psalm 72, Isaiah chapters 1-10 & Genesis chapters 1-11 Key Point: Jesus is the seed promised to Adam in Genesis 3:15 Over the next 25 weeks of this program, we will cover what the bible says about God. You might even re-phrase that to say that we will look and see what God has to say about Himself. During this program we will focus our attention on what is said in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms. Each class we will ask our 'God of the spirits of all flesh' to open our minds to see our Lord and Savior, Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may walk in a way that glorifies His Name in this world by how we respond to His Word. The phrase 'God of the spirits of all flesh' is a title Moses used to address God in Numbers 16:22 and Numbers 27:16. In week one, we will focus on the seed promised to Adam in Genesis 3:15 which requires seeing the reality of who man is away from God. The first step toward getting well, is recognizing that you are sick. This world has a lot of people sick who think they are just fine. We will also look at the two paths established in Genesis 4:1-7 which are the self-righteousness of Cain and the righteousness of God provided to Abel. This is just as true for us today as it was a few years after the fall of mankind. Week two is where God says that Jesus is the seed promised to Abraham which was sealed with the covenant of circumcision and illustrated in the story of Abraham offering Isaac. God says that Jesus is the Prophet promised to Moses who will stand between God and mankind in week six. God says that Jesus is the King promised to David to establish an eternal kingdom in week eighteen. You will get out of this class what you put into this class. I want you to know that you have access to God in a way that a typical Israelite did not have. Jesus said that it is to our advantage that He go away because He would send the Holy Spirit to those who love Him. See John 16:5-15. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him. What you will receive is beyond blood, beyond the will of the flesh, beyond the will of man, but of God. See John 1:13. The Holy Spirit of God will instruct you if you come under the authority of Jesus as the Messiah of God to redeem your soul. An Israelite might have seen the cloud cover the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord fill the tabernacle, but he did not have access to God like you do. You have Jesus as your High Priest, Jesus' blood as your atonement and the Holy Spirit as your Helper. The Israelite was a chosen people by God for the purpose of bringing the Messiah into the world. A Christian is also a chosen people for God's Kingdom, but they are an adopted child of the Living God. A real Jew is one who accepts Jesus as the Messiah. We will discuss the form and function of Christ. Christ is Greek for the Hebrew word Messiah. This is the Anointed One from God and that is the form and function of who Jesus is and what Jesus did. To understand Jesus, you must understand Christ. Christ is not His last name, but it is His title. When God gave Moses the Law, He started off by telling Moses about the history of mankind and His plan of salvation. God wants to redeem you not because you are so special, but because you are made in His image and that makes you special. God wants a relationship with you and He has provided His Messiah to establish that relationship. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him. Jesus is the focal point of all history. God chose to set aside who He was in glory and step inside His creation to redeem fallen man (that is you). INTRODUCTION TO LESSON ONE: Sin creates destruction. Sin is simple rebellion against God. Death is separation from the living God. You invite destruction into your life when you accept sinful behavior into your life. Repent. That is what Jesus preached; repent. We all have a ministry and it starts with the man in the mirror. You can be a positive role model to your spouse and kids by walking as an adopted child of the Living God by the grace offered by Jesus. We can all stop this cycle of destruction in our families simply by submitting to God. The focus of the KairosMan ministry is to disciple the father so that he can disciple his children. Open your bibles to . . . Story: Luke 13:6-9 NASB
I like to start the first class with this parable because I want the students to see themselves as the fig tree. I want this course to be fertilizer and a period of growth in their relationship with God. The fruit in our lives is our impact on other people. It is common for people to think the fruit refers to good deeds, but it refers to positive relationships with other people which will have good deeds mixed in as we invest in their lives out of love. God is not interested in just good deeds, but in the hearts and lives of man. We must adjust how we see mankind. We must see all men as made in the image of the Living God. Mankind is simply born in darkness. Jesus is the light. Our fruit is to present the light of God to the darkness of man in hopes that they will be saved by God's mercy. God allows us to get involved in His great work. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 3:15 NASB
I said earlier that the first promise about the seed was made to Adam, but that is not really accurate. The first promise about the seed (Anointed One or Messiah or Christ) was given to Satan himself in the presence of Adam and Eve. Think about that. God is all powerful and He could have destroyed Satan for his rebellion at that very second, but God allowed the domain of mankind to be given over to Satan. Why? Because God has a plan that Satan did not know about. God is going to transform that little man, made in the image of God and made a little lower than the angelic realm, into an adopted child of the Living God and raise him up above the angelic realm. Make no mistake, this is a spiritual battle. The victory has been won, but God allows the battle to rage to give a little more time for a few more people to accept salvation offered by Jesus as the Christ of the Living God. Open your bibles to . . . Acts 26:18 NASB
Hebrews 2:14-18 NASB
Revelation 12:7-11 NASB
Acts 26 is Jesus talking to Paul. Jesus says people of the world are in darkness and under the dominion of Satan. Some people have a hard time accepting the fact that they are the seed of Satan born in darkness and under the dominion of evil. Get over it because that is exactually what Jesus is saying. All men are dead until they seek the mercy of the Living God as offered by Jesus. Hebrews explains that Jesus had to become flesh to take away the power of death which was brought into this world by Satan in the Garden. The book of Genesis establishes the foundation of all theology. Jesus became flesh so that flesh could become spirit. Revelation is describing an event in the near future. Are you ready? God gave us His Word to get ready. What is the Word of God or the Law of Moses? First, we will look at Exodus 25:21-22, Numbers 7:89 and Numbers 12:7-8 so you can know Who is telling Moses what to write down. Moses was not alive when God made the universe or when the earth got flooded or when God made a promise to Abraham so Moses was given the information by God for a specific reason. God wants you to know where you came from, who you are, and what is going on in this world. Exodus 25:21-22 NASB
Numbers 7:89 NASB
Numbers 12:7-8 NASB
The Law of Moses consists of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. These titles have specific meanings and each will be addressed as we proceed through the program. We will always ask who, what, when, where and why to help us understand how scripture relates to our modern lifestyle and how we can use scripture in ministry to others. The best place to start any journey is at the beginning. Jesus gave clarity to scripture when He was on this earth in the flesh. Now He is in heaven in the flesh as the first fruits for His kingdom. So, open your bibles to ... John 1:1-5 NASB
OK, who is the Word? The answer is Jesus. The Word is another name for Jesus. We will be covering multiple names given to Jesus as He is revealed more and more in scripture. Different people in scripture had various names to show who they were at specific points in time for specific purposes. As an example, the Holy Spirit is often referred to as the Truth or Wisdom or Helper from John 16:26. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus defines what we call the Trinity when He tells the disciples to baptize in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the beginning was the Word. I love that the old and new testaments both start with 'in the beginning'. God wants mankind to understand where he came from and also where he is going. We all have a choice. You are born into darkness and can choose to stay right where you are and never leave. You have free will. The angels have free will. You can choose to seek God and accept His way to life in the name of Jesus if you accept Him as your Christ (Messiah in Hebrew). The Christ is the Lamb of God who gave Himself as payment for your individual debt of sin. You might be saying to yourself that you do not owe anyone anything. Accept it or not, you are separated from God. If you want a relationship with Him you must turn to Him or repent. To repent means that you accept that you have a debt of sin and you want God to pay it for you. Look around and see that this world is not what God intended. It is fallen. Mankind is fallen. Man is born into spiritual darkness which is represented by a fallen physical world with death and disease. If you do something wrong to a family member and you want to make things right, the first step is to say you are sorry and accept responsibility for your actions. That is what it is to repent. You are saying to God that you understand that you are not righteous and that you are not holy. God wants a relationship with each and every person on this earth, but they must come to Him in the way He prescribes. God has the solution; Jesus as the Christ. We will have homework assignments during each phase of this program. At the end of the program, turn in the completed assignments for grading and your certificate of completion will be prepared. As we discuss the different topics, always ask yourself the five W questions (who, what, when, where, and why). Read your bible with your eyes open. Think about what you are reading in relation to history and world events. Amos 3:7 NASB
This has always been a favorite scripture of mine because God wants those who love Him to know what is going on. He shows His kindness to those who love Him. To the world, God's revelation is presented as a mystery. Mark 4:11 NASB
Deuteronomy 29:29 NASB
Psalm 25:14 (4-14); (14) NASB
Daniel 2:30 NASB
Jesus mentions the kingdom which we will expound upon in the future, but notice the mystery. Why does God use parables? Think about this ... the original sin was wanting to be god. It was self centered. It was coveting. It continues today as people eliminate God from their daily life so they can be their own god. Those who are more interested in themselves will not receive God's gift of understanding 'who am I?' and 'where did I come from?' and 'where am I going?'. The peace of God is contentment in understanding these basic elements of life and death. Have you ever really wondered why this world is like it is? God tells us. Open your bibles to ... Ezekiel 28:12-19 NASB
I feel like I am listening to a private phone conversation between God and Satan when I read that passage above in Ezekiel. This helps me understand what happened when Eve was tempted and death entered into our lives. I would always wonder what was the snake's problem. God loves you and wants you to understand who you are and were you came from. Did you notice the reference to secret counsel in Amos or dark sayings mentioned in Numbers? This is the same reason why Jesus spoke using stories. Most stories in the bible have multiple dimensions. Typically you can see a lower story and a higher story. Adam and Eve in the garden is the lower story. The higher story is the spiritual battle regarding submission to God. Man disobeyed God and brought death into this world. God allowed death to enter into the lower story because He has a greater higher story in the works for the greater good. This helps explain who, what, where and why, but what about when? Was this during the seven days of creation or after man was inside the garden? God does not give us a solid time frame. Understand that God tells us what we need to know, but not everything. We can see from scripture that something went wrong beyond the domain of mankind and man was impacted forever by the curse of death. God originally made man a little lower than the angels and He allowed death to enter into our existence because He has a greater plan. Jesus has provided redemption for mankind and adoption as sons of the Living God and raised man up above the angelic realm. Isaiah 14:4-23 (12-15) NASB
Did you notice the references to the king of Tyre in Ezekiel and the king of Babylon referenced in Isaiah? We will discuss the gospel of the kingdom as well as the gospel of Christ. Gospel means good news. The kings of Tyre and Babylon represent bad news. It is the spiritual dominion of this fallen world as compared to what God originally made. Originally it was good. What is God's response to the spiritual rebellion as it impacts mankind? Back to Genesis and the seed (Messiah or Christ) as promised to Adam after the fall of mankind in Genesis 3:15. Genesis 3:15 NASB
As soon as sin and death entered this world, God referenced His plan of redemption. Seed does not come from a female. That reference to 'her seed' is talking about the virgin birth as seen below in Luke 1:30-35. One issue that always bugged me about Genesis 3:15 was that Satan could actually bruise my Lord. Think about it. My God is the Creator of all things. He is all powerful. The thought of a creature bruising the Creator just really, really bugged me. One day I was messing around and I got my answer. I punched the wall and hurt my fist. This verse came to mind. Satan did not bruise my Lord, but Jesus crushed evil so hard that He bruised Himself just like I hit the wall so hard that I hurt my fist. Now, that made sense and Genesis 3:15 stopped bugging me. Luke 1:30-35 NASB
The first item cults remove from the bible is the virgin birth because they can not believe this actually physically happened. Romans 5:12 combats this theory head on. Without the virgin birth, I would not be a Christian. Man can not save man because mankind is infected with a disease called sin. An outside clean source must come inside our corrupt system and provide a way out. That is the Spirit of God overshadowing the virgin Mary. Jesus was born of man, but He was not infected with our disease of sin because His seed was not from man. The seed of man transfers the sin of man and death to mankind. The seed of God transfers life to those infected with the disease of death if you will just accept the way, the truth and the life. If you are a Muslim, please notice that the Qur'an talks a lot about the virgin birth of Jesus. My question to a follower of Mohammed is who is Jesus' father? We both agree that He is virgin born. As a Christian, the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary as mentioned in Luke 1:30-35. Please respect God enough not to reduce this overshadowing to a sexual act. As a Muslim, you must agree that Jesus is not from the seed of man and since the Qur'an says that Jesus is a prophet we know that his father as not a demon. You must answer this question; who is Jesus' father? Your eternal existence depends upon your answer. If His father is God, then you need to accept Jesus as your Savior, your Anointed One, your Messiah, your Christ, your Lamb of God, etc. John 14:6 NASB
Salvation is a God thing, not a man thing. You can play religion all day long, but without Jesus you are just wasting your time. Ours deeds of righteousness are like filthy rags. We must come to God in the way that God prescribes which is Jesus as the Lamb of God. We will get deeper into the lamb when we discuss the tabernacle. Notice that Jesus says no one comes to the Father. When Jesus says that no one comes to the Father except through Him, He means no one from the dawn of creation to the last day on earth. Man's job is to realize that he is lost and in need of God's hand to save him. False religion is all about self-righteousness by works and that is not God's plan of redemption. Acts 26:17-18 shows Jesus telling Paul that mankind is under the dominion of Satan in darkness. Man is only sanctified by faith in Jesus and then man is given an inheritance. For a Christian, this life is just the starting point of our journey with God. Your existence does not end when you die. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 4:1-7
Here we have two paths. One is self-righteousness and the other is God's righteousness. Sometimes when I read scripture, the stories open more questions than the answers they provide. That is OK because God tells us what we need to know. I always wondered how did Abel know to offer the firstlings? Later in the Law of Moses, the Jews were commanded to set aside the first born (firstlings) of the flock as an offering to the Lord. Those were the sacrificial animals. How did Abel know to give the fat portions? Who do you give the fat portions? That would require killing the animal because that is the only way you get the fat portions. How did Abel know about sacrifice? Think about this; the bible tells us that people did not eat meat at this time so killing an animal was not a common practice. So why keep flocks? Maybe they used the wool for clothing. We are not told, but we know that people did not eat meat until after the flood. Genesis one and two describe creation. Genesis three details the fall of man's dominion on the earth. Genesis four established two paths. The overriding theme of Genesis and Exodus is that God is in control. God wants man to know that He is in control. We will get more into the seed over the next few weeks as we discuss Abraham, but just to make the point crystal clear; Jesus is the seed. You will also see Jesus as the Prophet promised to Moses and the King promised to David. As mentioned earlier, Christ is not Jesus' last name, but His title. Christ means Anointed One or Redeemer. Christ is the Greek translation of Messiah which is Hebrew. Jesus means salvation in Greek. Joshua means salvation in Hebrew. Moses and the law can take you to the edge of the promised land, but only Joshua can lead the way into the promised land. Remember that when you read scripture you will see both a higher story and a lower story in almost every situation presented. When Joshua led the nation across the Jordan, the river did not just split like at the Red Sea crossing. The river went back to a city called Adam. Jesus is not a religion like the Red Sea crossing, but He rolled back the curse of your sin to the core all the way back to Adam. Life is a gift from God. Life in this fallen world can be a struggle but I want to make one issue crystal clear; suicide is a lie. Death is not the end of your existence. Death might put an end of your flesh on this rock, but not your existence. Man is made in the image of the Living God and God is Spirit. Jesus is the first fruits of actual raised flesh because He is the Anointed One, the Messiah, the Christ, the Redeemer, etc. Your spirit continues on into eternity after your flesh as stopped working. Look into scripture and help someone see the reality of life and death. Hebrews 2:14-15 NASB
Romans 5:12 NASB
Romans 5:19 NASB
Hebrews 9:26-28 NASB
1 Corinthians 15:45 NASB
Trivia question: who were the three people in the bible who were not born in sin? Jesus was one. Adam and Eve were the other two because they were made by God. They were not born in this system of sin. Adam and Eve brought about this system of sin and death by their disobedience. Jesus provided a way out of this system by His obedience. Regardless of how often you say this, you can never really say it enough; we do not approach God on our own righteousness, but on Jesus' righteousness. Salvation is our free gift given to man from God through Jesus. You are bought with a price. He paid for your atonement with His blood. I like to ask Americans to remember the blood spilled in battle for our freedom from Lexington in 1775 to those soldiers in combat today. As an American, we should walk in a way that honors those who gave their lives for our freedom. As a Christian, we should walk in a way that honors Jesus who gave Himself for our freedom and adoption as sons of the Living God. Open your bibles to. . . Genesis 6:5-9 NASB
Genesis 8:21 NASB
Notice that the intent of man's heart is evil from his youth. What does that mean? Me, me, me, me, me. You do not need to train a person to look out for himself. I was told years ago that I would not really understand love until I had a child. That is partially right. When you have a kid, a parent is now focused on the child's needs. Moses was writing what God told him to write. So this is God's perception of man. This is not Moses writing what he thought of the people because he was not alive at this time. That would explain why Jesus started his preaching with "Repent". Man must turn from his natural reactions and respond to God's Word made flesh. I watched an interesting study presented on 60 Minutes of scientific experiments done on children showing they are selfish. These scientists did not believe in God, but said the same thing God tells us in Genesis 8:21. It was sad because these scientists were educated people who seemed like nice people, but they did not see themselves as made in the image of the Living God. They think they are just evolved animals. This is a lie they accept as truth. Did you notice that God destroyed every living thing. Some people can not deal with the reality of who God is and what God does. My advice to those people is to get over themselves. This is God's world and His creation and He can do as He sees fit. Who are you to sit in judgment of God? Every living thing also includes dinosaurs. I always like to say that if God wanted the T-Rex to survive after the flood He would have told him to get on the boat with Noah. He told the crocodile and turtle to get on the ark, but not the T-Rex. Understand that Noah did not do a rodeo round-up of all the animals. God sent all the animals from all around the earth to Noah and then God closed the door on the ark. God is in control. Genesis 9:13 NASB
Ezekiel 1:27-28 NASB
Revelation 4:2-3 NASB
Did you know that when you see a rainbow that you are seeing a reflection of a heavenly radiance? The world we live in today is not the same world that Noah grew up in. Waters above came down. NASA has discovered water molecules miles and miles beyond our atmosphere which are not suppose to be there. I hold to the Canopy Theory which is based upon scripture. Click here to read about the Canopy Theory. Genesis 15:13 NASB
Again, God is in control. God wants His people to know that He knows the beginning from the end. Take comfort in knowing that our God is in total control. He allows the world to operate and at times it seems like life is spinning out of control. From our perspective it can be scary, but from God point of view all is going to plan. Open your bibles to ... Deuteronomy 31:16 NASB
The problem the nation was about to face was prosperity. They were going to experience success. Odd how what man sees as a great blessing can actually be a great curse from the perspective of God. God never lost control. The people just did not love God with all their heart, soul, mind and strength. Success just exposed what was in the heart. The question is do you really love God or is He just your ticket into heaven? This program started off as an addition to the Overcomers Daily Choice 12-step recovery program which I began teaching inside Hutchins back in 2004. In January 2013, KairosMan started operating as an independent discipleship training program for the faith based dorms. If you are a prior graduate from my Overcomers class, you will notice that this program is very similar because the message of Jesus is the same. The organization of the content is different. We will be addressing additional areas of discipleship such as anger management, financial stewardship, health education, job readiness, etc. God's Word speaks about all major aspects of life. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him. My job as a minister
of the gospel is to show you Jesus in all aspects of life. Luke 24:44-45
will be the framework for this discipleship training program by addressing
the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms each week. Just as
God is part Father, part Jesus and part Holy Spirit, so each week we will
spend time looking into all three of these areas so we can see a clear
picture of God's plan. Discipleship is our great commission.
If I was your baseball coach, we would start by simply playing catch.
We would address more specific areas of instruction as we get more involved
in baseball practice.
Click HERE to go back to the main directory. Go to www.KairosMan.ORG for the Discipleship Training Program. Go to www.KairosMan.COM to read the "KairosMan" book for free. This discipleship program was developed
by Jeff Austin when he taught at the Hutchins State Jail.
Thank you for visiting KairosMan. Go to the next lesson: Week 2 |