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Discipleship Training Program And He said to
them, "You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all soul, and with all your
"This is the great and foremost commandment. "The second is like
it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments
depend the whole Law and the Prophets."
main KairosMan directory. * * * Just published 10-10-2020
* * * Click the underlined
the underlined homework
Key Point: Jesus is the seed
Law of Moses
1 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the seed
Law of Moses
2 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the Angel
Law of Moses
3 Homework:
Key Point: Joseph saving
His people
Law of Moses
4 Homework:
Key Point: The twelve tribes
Law of Moses
5 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the Prophet
Law of Moses
6 Homework:
Key Point: … born not of blood,
Law of Moses
7 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus said to them,
“I am
Law of Moses
8 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus said to him,
“I am
Law of Moses
9 Homework:
Key Point: … Jesus … “Behold
Law of Moses
10 Homework:
Key Point: … marriage of the
Law of Moses
11 Homework:
Key Point: ... he saw a man not
Law of Moses
12 Homework:
Key Point: “And
as Moses lifted up
Law of Moses
13 Homework:
Key Point: Teach your kids –
Law of Moses
14 Homework:
Key Point: History is the starting
Law of Moses
15 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the
Law of Moses
16 Homework:
Key Point: Moses and Aaron were
Law of Moses
17 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the King
Law of Moses
18 Homework:
Key Point: God revealed Himself
Law of Moses
19 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the child
Law of Moses
20 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus made an end
Law of Moses
21 Homework:
Key Point: For all the people
Law of Moses
22 Homework:
Key Point: … the
things that proceed
Law of Moses
23 Homework:
Key Point: Whosoever
is angry
Law of Moses
24 Homework:
Key Point: Work
for food which
Law of Moses
25 Homework:
Click the underlined
the underlined homework
Now He said to them, "These
are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all
things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and
Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." Then He
opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, ....
Week 19 – Elijah & Elisha Overview Week 19 Homework: Read Psalm 30, 2 Samuel chapters 12-24 & Jeremiah chapters 11-28 Key Point: God revealed Himself to Elijah not with might, but as a gentle blowing. 1 Kings 19:12 This week we will make a distinction between the judgment of God and murder. One of the commandments from God was 'You shall not murder' found in Exodus 20:13. You will hear some people quote this commandment as 'Thou shall not kill', but that is 100% wrong. If a policeman is a Christian and a bad guy pulls a gun, that Christian needs to aim for center of mass. Murder and killing are two different things. Bad theology could cost that Christian policeman his life if he just tries to 'wing' the bad guy instead of hitting center of mass. What about a Christian soldier in the military? Bad theology could cost this soldier his life or the lives of his men in his unit. This is extremely important. I had a lady tell me one time that she did not believe in a God who would command the complete destruction of a people from men, women, children and animals as seen in Deuteronomy 20. Yes, that story is tough to understand, but that was God's judgment on those people for their actions. I explained to this lady that the people who received that judgment from God were involved in some extremely bad things which included everything from sex with animals to witchcraft. This woman was involved in channeling spirits and I told her that God judged these people for doing the same thing she was doing. Deuteronomy
I have heard preachers
try to make excuses for God giving this commandment. Hey preacher;
you do not need to defend God. All you need to do is just present
the facts and let the facts speak for themselves. Just take a look
at these people and you will be on God's side. God makes it very
clear that He loves His people Israel and He is just trying to protect
them from themselves. You are not any different. Look at chapter
twenty of Leviticus which is one place in scripture where God provides
a detailed list of activities by the people in the land.
Would you want your kid exposed to this filth? God pronounced judgment on these people and I understand why. The sad part is that this looks like a regular night of TV programing in the United States except for the child sacrifice and sex with animals. I guess our society has not dropped that far yet, but we are just a few small steps from the edge. Rise up man of God and make a stand! Leviticus
Do you see how important it is that we evaluate the whole of scripture? Do you see how important it is to distinguish between judgment and the commandment of 'do not murder'? As a Christian, what is the greatest commandment? Matthew 22:37-40 tells us to love God and then our neighbor. As a Christian, if I go home and find my wife and children tied up and beaten by a bad guy, what should I do as a Christian? Yes, call the police. But assuming it is all up to me, what should I do as a Christian? I always get one answer from the crowd that 'I need to love them and forgive them'. Maybe later, but right now that is wrong. That bad guy had better pray for the mercies of God to fall upon me before I get my hands on him because I would tear him limb from limb. Do you understand the whole of scripture as it relates to judgment as compared to the commandments? This bad guy is not acting like a neighbor. This bad guy deserves judgment. Last week we looked at David and Solomon. Both saw fire come down from heaven and light up an offering after they had prayed to God. That also happened to Elijah. Elisha saw his friend get taken up to heaven in a chariot of fire. This week we will look at Elijah. Three things are associated with Elijah; miracles, prayer and Elisha. Major miracles are only recorded three times in scripture; the time of Moses, the time of Elijah and the time of Jesus. Jesus told the Pharisees that if they did not believe Him, at least believe the miracles. Elijah prayed for the rain to stop and it did not rain for three years. He prayed for it to rain and God sent rain. Elijah prayed for the life to return to a child and God answered the prayer as a testimony to the mother. Elijah prayed for fire from heaven as a testimony to God's people and God answered Elijah. Just as Moses gave his command and power over to Joshua, so Elijah gave his mantle over to Elisha. Jesus gave His disciples the power to perform miracles as a testimony to those who observed. The power of those miracles decreased over the course of time for the disciples. Because the names
of Elijah and Elisha are so close, some people do not know that
they are two different people. Elijah was not the first prophet,
but he is the chief prophet. Moses is described as a prophet, but
Moses represented the law of God. Elijah represented the prophets.
1 Kings 19:9-13
What are you doing here? As a Christian, what are you doing here? Are you seeking the face of the Living God? Do you really want to see the face of Jesus as your Christ? Are you prepared to see that He is not what you thought He was? What are you doing here? Were you looking for Santa Claus or, maybe, your reflection in the mirror? Get ready, because God will blow your mind. Man can not comprehend God; His love, His kindness, His holiness, His righteousness, His compassion, and His judgment, His wrath, His sword, etc. God is law and grace. God is judgment and mercy. This story of Elijah meeting God is a great lesson for all of us. God is not Who you might think that He is. Do not make the mistake of placing God inside a mental box so that you can understand who He is. Religious people try to control God because they do not understand God. They think God is this and God is that and therefore He must do this and He must do that. Watch out. God revealed Himself to Elijah as a gentle blowing after God shows Elijah the wind, earthquake and fire. God controls the mighty wind which breaks rocks. God controls the earthquake which is the foundation of our world. God controls the fire which consumes everything in its path. These are just His elements which He controls. God revealed Himself to His prophet as gentle and loving, but He wants His prophet to understand that He is also a God of judgment and wrath. As a Christian, you have got to deal with God as a whole. I love to talk about gentle Jesus, but I also love to talk about my Jesus who turns over the tables in the temple or my Jesus who goes toe to toe with the religious leaders and called them sons of the devil. Any other man would have been killed on the spot, but Jesus gave His life. No man could take His life from Him. He gave Himself as a gift. He was a sacrifice for you and a sacrifice for me. Thank you Jesus. Open your bibles to . . . 1 Kings 17:22-24
John 18:37-38
John 16:13
I remember the first
time I really gave any consideration to the Holy Spirit. One
third God and most of us do not understand anything about Him. We
must understand this; the Holy Spirit is truth. The Holy Spirit
is wisdom. The Holy Spirit is the Helper. The
Holy Spirit produces miracles so man can see the hand of God. Jesus
did not do any miracles until after the Holy Spirit descended upon Him.
The miracles testified about Jesus. Jesus testified about the Holy
Spirit. Remember our discussion about the form and function of God.
1 Kings 18:36-39
James 5:16-18
Acts 2:42 says the early disciples read scripture, prayed and had fellowship with each other. Prayer is talking to God. Reading scripture is God talking to man. Elijah prayed and God spoke to him. We see the man Elijah when he is hiding from Jezebel. Elijah thought he was the only believer left, but God told him that He had 7,000 believers in Israel. Elijah saw fire fall from heaven and consume his offering. WOW. 2 Kings 18:19 and 2 Kings 18:40 says Elijah destroyed the 450 prophets of Baal. I can only assume that the destruction also included the 400 prophets of Asherah, but they are not specifically mentioned in the text. That is a lot of men to die in the brook of Kishon by the hand of Elijah. That would be the entire religious order under Queen Jezebel which is why we find Elijah hiding in a cave. This is the same guy who spoke to Jesus with Moses at the transfiguration in Matthew 17:3. Did he commit murder or did he execute judgment? Open your bibles to . . . 2 Chronicles
2 Kings 1:14-16
Genesis 15:4-7
Elijah was God's
messenger to the kings of Israel and Judah. Notice that it is the
Angel of the Lord who is speaking to Elijah in 2 Kings 1:15. It is
the Word of the Lord speaking to Abraham and He refers to Himself as the
Lord. Remember John 1:1 In
the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
2 Kings 2:11-14
John 3:13
Elisha was picked
by God not Elijah. Funny, Elisha has more miracles recorded than
Elijah, but Elijah gets most of the credit for most of the miracles because
their names are so similar. 2 Kings says Elijah was taken into heaven
by a whirlwind, but Jesus in John 3 says no man ascended into heaven. So
where did Elijah go? If he went to heaven, why would he leave
paradise to come back to earth and talk to Jesus about what he was about
to accomplish at the transfiguration? Remember our discussion about
Abraham's bosom. Jesus used this story in Luke 16 to describe a temporary
holding place for saints until after the Messiah had put an end to death.
This is a spiritual death.
Malachi 4
What is the 'day'? This is the 'day' that Jesus died on the cross and the 'day' Jesus raised from the dead. The day is not a 24 hour day, but a period of time. These major events in history are shown to prophets like a man looking over a mountain range and seeing multiple mountain tops. The prophet can see one mountain top behind another mountain top. They might look close together, but in reality they might be hundreds or thousands of miles (years) between mountain tops. Prophets see events in history like these mountain tops. Prophets can not tell the distance between mountain tops (world events), but every prophet saw one very big mountain top in the background which is the day of the Lord followed by another really big mountain top which is the second coming of Christ. The first big mountain top was Jesus' sacrifice as the Lamb of God. The second big mountain top is the day when the Lion returns. We sit between those two mountain tops today. Notice the reference to the name. Jesus is the name. Remember John 14:6. Moses was told a name that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did not know. You know a name that Moses and Elijah did not know (Jesus), that is until the transfiguration. Exodus 3:13-15
Exodus 6:2-4
Exodus 15:3
Daniel 2:44 God describes
a kingdom that will never be destroyed and a stone striking the Roman
empire. Jesus is the stone and it was during the Roman Empire
that He would establish His kingdom. Jesus told Pilate in John 18
that He was born to establish His kingdom.
Matthew 11:7-15
Matthew 17:10-13
Amos 3:7 says
that the Lord does nothing unless He reveals it to His prophets.
God provides mankind a roadmap of His journey if mankind would only open
their eyes and recognize His presence. God said Elijah would return
to prepare the way for the Messiah. John himself did not recognize
who he was in history. When asked if he was Elijah, John said no,
but he was one calling out in the wilderness.
Mark 1:7-8
Jesus said He came to testify to the truth. The truth is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit testified about Jesus by the miracles. John might not have recognized who he was as Elijah, but he did understand his purpose. He was getting the people to look ahead for the Messiah. Do you know who you are in Christ? Maybe not, but do you at lease understand your purpose on this earth? Christians are
suppose to point mankind to Jesus as the Savior of the world.
We are to do battle with the man in the mirror and claim the authority
of the Anointed One over our wicked hearts and minds. Remember the
greatest commandment is for me to love the Lord my God with all my heart
and with all my mind and with all my strength. That means that I
set aside my love for myself and place Him first. Then I am to love
my neighbor as myself. That means I am to set aside my love for myself
and place others next to me. Do this for the honor and glory of Jesus
as our Christ.
1 Kings 19:15-17
What about thou shall not kill? Please understand the difference between murder and judgment. If you do not firmly get a grip on the difference between judgment and cold blooded murder, you will not love the Lord. Just like the story of David's baby with Bathsheba being sentenced to death. God loves that baby and God called that child home to Abraham's bosom until Jesus raised from the dead. That baby is God's and if He wants to call that child to Himself that is His business not yours. If you stand in judgment of God, you are on the wrong side of things. God pronounced judgment on certain peoples and told King Hazael, King Jehu and Elisha to act as His tool for that judgment. 2 Samuel
Within God's law,
He shows care and concern right beside death and destruction.
As an example, Deuteronomy 21:10-14 describes a situation where
a man goes to war and takes a beautiful woman captive. God does not
allow her to be mistreated and prescribes a month of mourning for her before
the man can take her as his wife. If that does not work out, God
does not allow the man to sell her like a slave. In Deuteronomy
24:19-21 God says the man harvesting his field or vineyard must leave
the leftovers for the alien, orphan or widow. God loves all mankind
and He wants His people to reflect His love toward others. God is
also a God of justice and we must reflect His righteousness as well.
Our lives are to be a balance of His love and justice just like Jesus is
the balance between the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah.
2 Kings 10:28-31
Jeroboam was the first king of Israel after the nation was divided after Solomon between 931-910 b.c. Elijah lived during the time of King Ahab of Israel and his wife Jezebel between 874-852 b.c. Jezebel had 450 prophets of Baal who ate at her table and she tried to impose her ancestral religion on the people of Israel. Jezebel kill all the prophets of the Lord that she could find as told in 1 Kings 18. This is the situation Elijah finds himself facing. King Ahab describes Elijah as the troubler of Israel. Elisha ministered under King Joram, King Jehu, King Jehoahaz and King Joash of Israel from 845-800 b.c. During his time the Arameans were the greatest enemy of Israel. 2 Kings 6 records how the Aramean king tried to capture Elisha by sending his army. Elisha prayed to God that He would blind the army and then Elisha simply guided them into the hands of the army of Israel. Elisha instructed the king of Israel to feed the Aramean men and then let them go in peace. The sin of Jeroboam
was this; King Jeroboam placed a golden calf in two different cities
in Israel and told the people not to go down south into Jerusalem.
Jerusalem was located in Judah. God instructed His people in Israel
to go into Judah three times per year to Jerusalem to worship. Jehu
was the tenth king of Israel and God gave him the task to clean up
Israel. Jehu got rid of Baal, but he did not get rid of the two golden
2 Kings 2:23-24
Do not mess with
God's men. I relate to Elisha because I too have lost most of
the hair on top of my head. I also relate to Jehu because I am a
hairy man. Like Jehu, I am also a violent man down deep inside my
heart. I try to walk in humility and gentleness, but on occasion
I feel that violent man raise his head in my heart. God is a warrior.
I like to think of myself as a warrior, but standing next to God the warrior,
I fell like a little Cub Scout. I just need to make sure I know who
the enemy is and focus the fight in that direction. My battle begins
every day against the man in the mirror.
Click HERE to go back to the main directory. Go to www.KairosMan.ORG for the Discipleship Training Program. Go to www.KairosMan.COM to read the "KairosMan" book for free. This discipleship program was developed
by Jeff Austin when he taught at the Hutchins State Jail.
Thank you for visiting KairosMan. Go to the next lesson: Week 20 Go to the previous lesson: Week 18 |