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Discipleship Training Program And He said to
them, "You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all soul, and with all your
"This is the great and foremost commandment. "The second is like
it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments
depend the whole Law and the Prophets."
main KairosMan directory. * * * Just published 10-10-2020
* * * Click the underlined
the underlined homework
Key Point: Jesus is the seed
Law of Moses
1 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the seed
Law of Moses
2 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the Angel
Law of Moses
3 Homework:
Key Point: Joseph saving
His people
Law of Moses
4 Homework:
Key Point: The twelve tribes
Law of Moses
5 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the Prophet
Law of Moses
6 Homework:
Key Point: … born not of blood,
Law of Moses
7 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus said to them,
“I am
Law of Moses
8 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus said to him,
“I am
Law of Moses
9 Homework:
Key Point: … Jesus … “Behold
Law of Moses
10 Homework:
Key Point: … marriage of the
Law of Moses
11 Homework:
Key Point: ... he saw a man not
Law of Moses
12 Homework:
Key Point: “And
as Moses lifted up
Law of Moses
13 Homework:
Key Point: Teach your kids –
Law of Moses
14 Homework:
Key Point: History is the starting
Law of Moses
15 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the
Law of Moses
16 Homework:
Key Point: Moses and Aaron were
Law of Moses
17 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the King
Law of Moses
18 Homework:
Key Point: God revealed Himself
Law of Moses
19 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the child
Law of Moses
20 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus made an end
Law of Moses
21 Homework:
Key Point: For all the people
Law of Moses
22 Homework:
Key Point: … the
things that proceed
Law of Moses
23 Homework:
Key Point: Whosoever
is angry
Law of Moses
24 Homework:
Key Point: Work
for food which
Law of Moses
25 Homework:
Click the underlined
the underlined homework
Now He said to them, "These
are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all
things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and
Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." Then He
opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, ....
Week 23 – Health Education Week 23 Homework: Read Psalm 25, 2 Kings chapters 11-25 & Ezekiel chapters 25-32 Key Point: … the
things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those
defile the man.
Health can be defined as the level of metabolic efficiency of a human being. In this course, we talk a lot about the form and function of God as it relates to God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Understanding the form and function of God allows us to walk in this world with balance. God the Father is not God the Son. God the Son is not God the Holy Spirit. God the Spirit is not God the Father. They are independent of each other, but they are also dependent upon each other. Man approaches God the Father when God the Holy Spirit touches that man's spirit and he accepts God the Son as the way, the truth and the life to God. When a man prays, he goes to God the Father by way of his Messiah, Jesus or God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit interprets the spirit of the man to God. That is the form and function of God. Today we will talk about the form and function of living a healthy life. Just like understanding the form and function of God helps us walk in our spiritual life, understanding the form and function of our bodies will help us in our physical walk. Being healthy is all about living a balanced lifestyle. God cares about the physical side of man just like He cares about the spiritual side of man. The key is to recognize the priority of things in this life. Some people get out of balance with good things like exercise and nutrition and it becomes a god to them. Keep life balanced. Open your bibles to . . . Matthew 15:1-20
The Jews of Jesus time were spiritually out of balance. They were teaching the precepts of men as the doctrines of God. They were wrong. They were out of balance. They were very religious, but they were self-righteous resting on the tradition of the elders instead of seeking the mercies of the Living God. The method of worship in the temple was aimed at making a man humble before God. They turned it around to raise themselves up above other men such as the widow, the orphan, the poor and the lame. What about you? Does you position at church lend itself to puff up your ego? Humble yourself and allow God to raise you up as you lift up His name. The argument can be made that Christians should live like Jesus lived. Jesus was a Jew who observed all the laws of the nation as given by Moses. I am reminded that Jesus went first to the nation of Israel and then He went to the world. We are told that Jesus' parents observed the law in Luke 2:21-24, 2:39 and observed Passover in 2:41. Jesus observed the Holy Days as recorded in Matthew 26:17-19 and John 7:37. In Matthew 5:17-18, Jesus says He did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. So should Christians follow the dietary laws as outlined in the Law of Moses? Keep life balanced. Open your bibles to . . . Jeremiah
The words from Jeremiah could fit perfectly into the gospels during the time of Jesus. Jeremiah ministered between 650 b.c. and 582 b.c. before the seventy years of judgement when the southern kingdom was taken into capitivity in 586 b.c. 179 years earlier the northern kingdom of Israel had already fallen. Remember Daniel was reading the writings of Jeremiah while he was in capitivity in Babylon. Notice the religious leaders from Matthew 15 came to Jesus talking about the religious acts invented by men. Jesus tells them to get back into balance. That is what Jeremiah is saying to Judah. The tradition of the elders does not hold any truth from God because it was created by man for the benefit of man. Be very careful in your religion because this is true today just like it was true 2,000 years ago. Men create systems of worship to elevate themselves to the status of deity when they refuse to come to Jesus as a sinner. Religion did not come from God, but it is the precepts of men. God provided a method of worship by way of the tabernacle, the temple and then Himself. Notice verse nine where Jesus talks about the Pharisees teaching as doctrines of God the precepts of men. You have the bible just like every other man on this planet. Search and learn the doctrines of God so that you are not led astray by blind guides teaching the precepts of men. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adultries, fornications, thefts, false witness, and slanders. These are the spiritual 'unclean' things to avoid. They are in the heart of man and we must learn to identify and eliminate them as they arise. The same is true for the physical 'unclean' things to avoid. We could state it like this; 'For out of this life come cancer, childhood diseases, diseases caused by insects, foodborne illness, illnessess related to poor nutrition, genetic disoders, human parasitic diseases, infectious diseases, viral infections, mental illness, neurological disorders, skin-related conditions, etc.'. John 2:18-22
Mark 11:15-18
The temple was the focal point of worship for the nation of Israel. The temple replaced the tabernacle as the house for the articles of worship. The method of worship remained the same. The physical house changed form from a tent to a building. As a Christian, Jesus is our focal point of worship. The physical house changed form again from the building to his body. The method of worship remained the same. A Jew approached God by way of a sacrificial lamb. Then the priest would wash to enter into the light and bread of life in the Holy Place. But a veil kept the Jew from the presence of the Living God. As a Christian, the veil is gone and we have access to the Living God by way of our High Priest and Lamb, Jesus, to enter into His presence. The Jews could not see past the physical and understand the spiritual references Jesus was making about the method of worship. I want to make sure you see what they could not. As a Christian, you have access to the Holy Spirit of the Living God by way of Jesus. If you do not understand, ask Jesus. He is the way, the truth and the life. He said if you ask anything, He would give it. He was referring to spiritual things like this and not physical stuff like cars and money. Ask and you will receive. Believe and you will be saved. Just as we must take steps to eliminate the spiritually unclean things from our lives, we must also take steps to eliminate the physically unclean things from our lives. That involves food and exercise. We will open God's Word and see what God says about living a healthy life. It has been my experience that balance in life is the most important area for me to focus on to keep my walk healthy. Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteronomy chapter 14 details a list of clean and unclean animals for the nation of Israel. It is easy to jump on that list and declare that all these things are LAW and these are our food source. But wait, look at the first part of verse 21 in Deuteronomy 14. Deuteronomy
Does God loves the Israelite more than the alien or the foreigner? No, God choose the Israelite for a specific purpose (to bring about the Messiah) for a specific time (resurrection of Jesus from the dead). God was trying to teach the Israelite how to discern good from bad. Think about Jacob and Esau. God choose Jacob and did not choose Esau. Consider what they both represented. Jacob became a spiritual man who had his named changed to Israel by God, but only after Jacob removed the sin of idolatry from his family. Esau represented the physical man. Esau was described as a hairy man. I relate to Esau because I am a hairy man and I struggle with my flesh on a daily basis. I must resist the physical (Esau) and seek the spiritual (Israel) to keep balance in my life with Jesus. During the wilderness journey, God told the Israelites that they were not allowed to place one foot on a certain mountain because God gave it to the descendants of Esau. Esau came to God as an adult and God loved Esau although most people remember when God said He hated Esau in the womb. It was nothing personal, but what Esau represented. Our discussion of health could go very detailed into the physical such as how the metabolic efficiency of a man describes the relationship between how fat and carbohydrates go through the process of oxidation across a variety of exercise intensities. We could go that deep into the chemical breakdown, but for this lesson we will stay on the surface to make the discussion more widely interactive. We could go very spiritual in our discussion by evaluating the temple of our body in relation to our mind and walk. Again, balance is the key. We could spend time discussing the benefits of a Jewish kosher diet. So, we will focus our discussion on health as it relates to our daily walk as Christians and we will reference the physical and spiritual aspects of health as it relates to the fundamentals of life. Open your bibles to . . . Acts 10:9-20
It was lunch time and Peter had a vision from God. Notice that Peter went to the housetop to pray while others were preparing lunch. This was not a dream, but a visual display of what God wanted Peter to understand. I have often wondered if this is how God gave Moses the stories from Genesis. I have often wondered why three. The vision is shown three times. Three men looking for Peter. Moses told Pharaoh three days journey to sacrifice to the Lord. Abraham and Isaac go the the mountain on the third day. Jesus raised on the third day. Did you notice
the phrases 'the Spirit said to him' and 'for I have sent them'?
Did you notice that the animals were not identified, but Peter declares
that they are unholy and unclean. We do not know what animals were
represented, but this was a very big deal to a Jew.
Acts 10:9-20 is showing Peter that Gentiles are accepted by God. So do we intrepret the passage as to referring to food or to people? In Acts 10:45 it tells us that the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. Acts 10:25-28
Acts 10:44-48
Acts 11:1-18
I do not think Peter started eating unclean food after this experience. I do think he recognized that God is saving Gentiles. So I can not use these passages to justify a Jew turning from biblical dietary laws. I also do not see any commands for a Gentile to adopt Jewish dietary laws. Notice that Peter says in Acts 10:14 and 11:8, that Peter says that he has been keeping the Jewish laws concerning food. In Acts 15, after a sect of Christian Pharisees declared that Gentiles should be circumcised and commanded to observe the Law of Moses, the Council at Jerusalem declared that Gentiles should abstain from things contaminated by idols, from fornication, from what is strangled and from blood. Are Christians commanded to keep dietary laws? No. Could a Christian benefit from living by the dietary laws? Yes. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 1:27-30
Did you notice that not only was man given every plant yielding seed and every tree with fruit yielding seed as food, but every beast and every bird was given every green plant for food. This opens more questions than answers such as what about the vulture or the tiger or the shark or the shrimp. I do not know these answers. All I know is that God said it and I accept it. If man disagrees with God, I choose to agree with My Creator who designed and organized all things. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 2:5-9
Genesis 2 is God giving man a different viewpoint of creation. Again, we see plants and fruit trees are designated for food. Notice the reference to rain and God's solution by sending a mist. When did rain start falling and the mist stop? Couple other points that we can not pass by without addressing. First, man has the breath of God making him a living being. God never did this for the puppy dog or the kitty cat or any other animal on the face of the earth. Man is unique to all creation because that is how God choose to do it. Man is made in His image. A dolphin or a horse might be very smart and show personality, but they are a creature. Man is made in the image of the Living God. God loves his creation which includes the puppy dog, the cat, the horse and the dolphin. When God gave us the rainbow as a sign of His covenant that He would not flood the earth again, He gave the rainbow to all the animals as well as to man. God loves His creation and I think it broke His heart to flood the earth. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 2:15-17
What does cultivate and keep the garden mean? Does God intend man to work? God gives man freedom and with freedom comes responsibility. Remember last week when we discussed the cycles of independence, disobedience, failure and repentance. Independence is freedom. You must choose to submit to God. You must choose to work. You must choose to be responsible. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 3:6
Genesis 3:17-19
Ladies do not get mad at me, but we will talk very frankly about Adam listening to the voice of Eve. Adam was given the responsibility and he watched as the command he was responsible to uphold was broken. Not only broken, but he observed and participated. Then Adam tries to blame God because God gave him Eve. Things have not changed much as far as men are concerned. Well, except now we all have access to the Holy Spirit of the Living God made possible by Jesus our Messiah. But first, we must submit and walk. Women and men are so very similar and, at the same time, we are so very different. My wife makes our home a very pleasant place to live because of her sense of color, decor and order which I do not possess. Her responsibility is not to lead our family, it is mine. She will not be held responsible to the Living God for my failure to lead our family, it is mine. I know as a man, that I can not do it. I need God. When I walk in my flesh, I fail. Adam should have chosen God over Eve, but Adam deferred to her because she was different than him. Different does not mean better. Think about race relations. Different does not mean better. We, as men, must stand up and lead our families by choosing God over Eve. We, as men, must understand we are responsible to the Living God for our families. Not because we are better, but we are different. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 16:2
Genesis 16:9-11
This is a little rabbit trail from the main topic, but as you can see it relates to Abram. He did the same thing Adam did except it involved a young hand maiden. I want you to notice that God is in control even when man is walking in disobedience. God tells Hagar to submit to Sarai. That was her job. God not only tells Hagar that He will make a multitude of descendants from her child, but God is the one who picks out the baby name. Ishmael is the name God choose. Remember Ishmael is a Hebrew just like Isaac, Jacob and Esau because his father was a Hebrew. Only Jacob is the Israelite which God created for His purposes to bring in the Messiah to the world. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 3:22-23
Genesis 4:2
Genesis 6:21-22
I want us to see from scripture, that the tree of life is actually a tree. It could be eaten. Also, notice the reference that man is to cultivate the ground from which he was taken. Eve was taken from Adam not the ground. This is a reference to Adam. Abel was a keeper of flocks. People are not eating meat at this time, so flocks must have been used for sacrifice and clothing. God gave every tree with fruit yielding seed and every plant yeilding seed as food. Cain was a tiller of the ground. He is also the first murderer who buried his brother in the ground from which his father was taken. God tells Noah to collect all food which is edible for you and them. That tells us that some plants and some trees were not edible. The 'them' referred to, does that include Noah's family and all the animals brought on the boat? Yes, all living creatures on the boat ate plants and fruits. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 9:1-3
Now, we have a shift. First, the animal kingdom now has a fear and terror of man. Which means that they did not prior to the flood. Could you have had a pet lion or pet bear since they ate plants and fruits prior to the flood? Ask God when we get to heaven. Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you. It was not until the nation of Israel that God qualified which foods are good to eat and which are bad as it related to the nation. Remember, Leviticus chapter 11 and Deuteromony chapter 14 details the lists of clean and unclean animals for the nation of Israel. Remember verse 21 in Deuteronomy 14 where God says if an animal dies, you can give it to the alien or sell it to the foreigner. What is the purpose of these clean and unclean lists if it does not apply to all men? Some of the dietary laws and food preparation regulations from Leviticus and Deuteronomy are very beneficial. For example, the laws regarding how to slaughter and prepare an animal are so sanitary from the Torah that kosher butchers and slaughterhouses have been exempted from many USDA regulations. At the same time, scientists have not found a reason why camel meat or rabbit meat are any less healthy than cow meat or goat meat. Some suggest that the specific animal prohibitions are instead derived from environmental considerations instead of food healthyness. For example, a camel (which is not kosher) is more useful as a beast of burden than as a source of food. In the Middle Eastern climate, the pig consumes a quantity of food that is disproportional to its value as a food source. Some suggest that the dietary laws are designed simply as a call to holiness for the nation of Israel. Maybe God was using these dietary laws to teach the Israelites how to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, pure and defiled, the sacred and the profane. Imposing rules on what you can and cannot eat ingrains that kind of self control, requiring Jews to learn to control even the most basic, primal instincts. A Jew who observes the laws cannot eat a meal without being reminded of the fact that he is called by God to be holy. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 9:20
Genesis 19:32
Genesis 14:18
So, Noah was a farmer. Farming is not a typical association we have with Noah, but we also see that he had a vineyard. And yes, we all know the story where Noah got drunk. And yes, we also all know the story of Lot's daughters when they got Lot drunk. So is drinking wine bad? As Paul mentioned, work out your salvation with fear and trembling. Personally I might have a glass of wine with dinner, but getting drunk is bad. If you have a chemical weakness for wine and anything else that makes you loose self control, then stay away from that substance. You need to watch yourself because only you can monitor your weaknesses. Melchizedek was a priest of God and He brought bread and wine to Abram. Some would argue that Melchizedek was Jesus before He came to earth as the Son of Man. I tend to agree. Jesus turned water into wine. Some would argue that the wine mentioned was just grape juice. I think the bible would have said grape juice if it was unfermented because these are two very different liquids from the same source. Unleaded gasoline and diesel both come from the same source, but they are two very different fuels. Responsibility and independence demand submission to God or you risk falling into disobedience. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 18:6-8
Below are the
general rules for a Jew to be kosher.
Consider rule #6 with Genesis 18 and think about who ate the food. This food was prepared for the Angel of the Lord (Jesus) and the two angels who rescued Lot and his family. The server was Abraham. This was prior to the establishment of these dietary laws, but obviously it is not a health issue or a spiritual issue or it would not have been accepted or prepared as a meal. Open your bibles to . . . Genesis 19:3
Notice who is eating. These are angels having lunch with man. You might want to reconsider any ideas that angels have wings. Angels can eat lunch. Hebrews 1:14 tells us that angels are ministering spirits sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation. Open your bibles to . . . Luke 24:40-45
Jesus was hungry. Jesus ate the broiled fish. John 21 describes a scene after His resurrection, where Jesus had fish over the fire and bread waiting on the disciples while they were fishing in their boats. This account says they caught 153 fish. I always wondered why give the exact number of fish in this account. My old pastor went to this lake about ten years ago. During his visit, he was told that marine biologists just completed a survey of the lake and found 153 different species of fish live in that specific body of water. Interesting. Open your bibles to . . . John 6:47-58
John 6 opens with Jesus healing the sick. Then He feeds the crowd. 5,000 men plus women and children feed with five barley loaves and two fish. They gathered twelve baskets of left overs. Both the healing and the feeding were signs for the people that Jesus was sent from God. After Jesus said this statement above, all the people left Him except the twelve. Why? After the feeding of the 5,000, the twelve saw Jesus walking on the water three to four miles out in the sea during a storm. I have spoken to people who do not understand God. Join the club. To those we must say what Peter said when Jesus asked if the twelve would also leave Him. Peter said in John 6:68-69, 'Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. We have believed and have come to know the You are the Holy One of God.' Open your bibles to . . . Psalm 78:19-29
God wants to give you the desire of your heart. Is your desire to know the Lord? Open your bibles to . . . Romans 14:12-23
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians
1 John 1:5-10
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by Jeff Austin when he taught at the Hutchins State Jail.
Thank you for visiting KairosMan. Go to the next lesson: Week 24 Go to the previous lesson: Week 22
Above is the original lesson that I taught in prison. This section is being written a few years after my retirement from prison ministry because I have experienced a remarkable personal transformation that I wanted to share. About four months ago I had a blood test at my local doctor's office. At that time I was overweight. Controlling my weight has always been a struggle for me. Well, the blood test showed that I was on the edge of becoming diabetic. My lovely wife freaked out and our weight loss journey began. While visiting a family member in the hospital, my cousin had a book titled "Eat to Live" by Dr. Fuhrman. This was not a diet, but a change in how you approached food. You only ate food with a high nutrient-per-calorie ratio. I have heard over the years that if a person could eliminate all white sugar, all white flour, all dairy and all cheese from their diet that the weight would just fall off. Easier said than done, but that is the basic premise of this program. After looking it over, we were off on this new life journey. Four months later I am forty-five pounds lighter and feel great. My starting weight was 260 pounds (plus). My weight today is 215 pounds. Starting glucose level was 130 (high). The preferred range is between 65-99 mg/dl. Glucose four months later is 91 and dropping. No more worries about becoming a diabetic. That is what a nutrient density eating program can do for you. Below is a picture of me before my weight loss teaching inside prison. ![]() I never wanted to be overweight. Over time, the weight just kind of snuck up on me and then one day my doctor says that I am pre-diabetic. What happened? Life, but I just never stopped to really consider what I was eating. The truth is that I actually eat more food now at 215 than I did when I weighed 260. The key is that I am eating the right foods now such as salads, peppers, celery, tomatoes, onion, olives, peas, black eyed peas, green beans, okra, black beans, bananas, strawberries, mango, pineapple, blueberries, etc. I eliminated all white sugar, all white flour, all milk and all cheese from my diet. Remember, people who are overweight do not want to be heavy. Like me, they might be caught in a cycle of eating the wrong things without realizing that these bad foods block any weight loss efforts. Bad foods actually increases your chances of developing diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. Looking back I feel like I was poisoning myself with toxic foods such as burgers, fries, ice cream, pizza, bagels, etc. The typical American diet. My taste buds have changed so much that I do not even want dressing on my salads. Imagine that. It amazes me that I can actually taste the difference between various types of lettuce now. Fruits and vegetables are the most delicious food on this planet. It was like I had never really appreciated just how tasty natural produce was to eat. Now I know that my old diet was so covered in salt and sugar that I did not even realize that I had lost my sense of taste. My dad really noticed my weight change, but what really got him amazed was the amount of food I am eating while losing weight. It is not how much you eat, but what you eat. Eliminate all the refined sugars and refined flour and eat as much salad, vegetables and fruit as you want. I like to eat. Always have, but now I watch what I eat. My skin has improved. I had a beard for over 26 years because I did not like to shave. Shaving meant facial cuts. Not anymore. Since I have changed my food intake, I rarely nick my face while shaving. My color and complexion have improved. What is even more amazing is that this fifty-one year old redneck is even talking about skin complexion. That is how much my skin has improved in four short months. My knees and ankles always hurt prior to my weight loss. Over the years I have torn various ligaments in my knees and ankles playing sports. Now, most of that pain is gone. Looking back, I think most of it was just inflammation in the joints caused from the food that I was eating. Yes, the weight reduction does help, but the pain from inflammation is different. I still hear a clicking sound from one knee while walking down my stairs, but I was causing my own distress by what I was eating. I was causing my own joint inflammation without realizing it. My diet these past four months
has been simple.
Make up your mind and stick to the plan. Each day you should notice changes in either your weight or how your clothes fit. That was all the motivation I needed to stay the course. Remember, small holes sink big ships. Do not snack. Do not cheat. You can do it. The book "Eat to Live" has a lot of really good information, but frankly it is not an easy read. The testimonies kept me going for the first couple months as I muscled through the chapters. Below are some highlights from the book that I wanted to share. A person is considered obese when more than one third of their body is made up of fat. Health = Nutrients / Calories ( H = N / C ) is a concept called nutrient density. The main principle of the book "Eat to Live" is that you must consume a diet with a high nutrient-per-calorie ratio. All calories come from only three elements: carbohydrates, fats or proteins. Most of the calories from meat come from the fat while most of the calories from green vegetables come mostly from protein. The cow did not eat another cow to form the protein in its muscles, which we call steak. The cow ate grass. Broccoli has more protein than steak if you base the comparison on 100 calories of each. 75 percent of all Americans are overweight. The typical American diet gets 90% of their calories from refined processed foods and animal products. The typical American diet is severely deficient in plant-derived nutrients. Given enough time, disease will develop. Even borderline deficiencies can result in subtle health defects which leads us to disease. Tests have shown that eating a high-nutrient, low calorie plan will prevent chronic illnesses. Overweight individuals have higher
rates of cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc.
Most people are overweight not because of how much they eat, but because of what they eat. Eating large amounts of the right food is your key to success on a nutrient dense eating plan. You will lose weight eating a nutrient dense plan and once the fat is off your body it will stabilize. Weight loss requires a diet of predominantly unrefined foods that are nutrient rich and fiber rich. Regardless of your metabolism or genetics, you can live at a normal weight eating a nutrient dense plan. Everyone knows that junk foods are not healthy, but few understand the lifetime bad consequences. Excess protein intake raises IGF-1 levels which are linked to higher rates of prostate and breast cancer. If your food is not giving you proper nutrients and fiber, your brain will tell your body to eat more food. Failure to consume sufficient fiber and nutrients is a key factor in people being overweight. To lose weight people must cut out the refined carbohydrates such as bagels, pasta, and bread. Eating low-fiber carbohydrates such as pasta are almost as damaging as eating white sugar. Fiber is a vital nutrient, essential to human health. High-fiber foods offer significant protection against both cancer (including colon cancer) and heart disease. High-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and beans are rich in complex carbohydrates and fibers (both insoluble and water-soluble). The fibers slow down glucose absorption and control the rate of digestion. Meat and dairy products do not contain any fiber. Foods made from refined grains (such as white bread, white rice, and pasta) have had all their fiber removed. Foods associated with higher risk of disease are generally fiber-deficient. Healthy, nutritious foods are rich in fiber. Liquid calories such as fruit juice and other sweet beverages lead to obesity. Fruit consumption has been shown in numerous studies to offer our strongest protection against certain types of cancers, especially oral and esophageal, lung, prostate, pancreatic, and colorectal cancer. Researchers have discovered substances in fruit that have unique effects on preventing aging and deterioration of the brain. Fruits are associated with lower mortality from all cancers combined. “Enriched” and “Fortified” - Refining foods removes so much nutrition that our government requires that a few synthetic vitamins and minerals be added back. These are labeled as enriched or fortified. White rice or “enriched” rice is just as bad as white bread and pasta. It is nutritionally bankrupt. You might as well eat the cardboard box because refining rice removes fiber, phytochemicals and vitamin E. Oils are 100% fat. Refined or extracted oils, including olive oils, are rich in calories and low in nutrients. If we biopsied your waist fat, an electron microscope could show you pig fat, dairy fat and olive oil fat. Olive oil, ounce for ounce, is the most fattening, calorically dense food on the planet (more than butter). Olive oil contains 14% saturated fat which clogs arteries, heightens the risk of diabetes and heart attack. One key to your success eating a nutrient dense eating plan is to make healthful salad dressings. Eat huge salads each day and at least four fresh fruits to lose excess weight and lower blood pressure. Raw nuts, seeds and avocados contain healthy fats, but while losing weight you must limit the amount. Potato-heavy diets show a positive association with colon cancer as shown in various studies. Certain plant foods play a role in protecting the body against diseases that affect – and kill – at least 500,000 Americans each year based upon many large-scale epidemiological studies. The greater the quantity and assortment of fruits and vegetables consumed, the lower the incidence of heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. Raw vegetables and fresh fruits have powerful anti-cancer agents. Broccoli and cabbage sprouts sweep toxins out of cells. Nuts and beans prevent damage to our cells’ DNA. Beets, peppers and tomatoes fight cancerous changes in cells. Oranges and apples protect our blood vessels from damage that could lead to heart disease. As a general rule of thumb: the closer we eat foods to their natural state, the healthier the food. Vitamins, minerals, fibers and phtochemicals are derived from non caloric food factors. Trans fats do not exist in nature. They were made in the laboratory. Trans fatty acids or partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils - if you see these words on the side of a box of food, consider what is inside the box as poisonous and throw it in the trash. Fish is one of the most polluted foods we eat, and it may place consumers at high risk for various cancers. Arthritis - The modern diet that most Americans eat which is full of vegetable oils and animal products supplies an excess amount of omega-6 fat. Too much omega-6 fat will lead to high levels of arachidonic acid which can promote inflammation. Osteoporosis - Animal-protein
ingestion results in a heavy acid load in the blood. This sets off
a series of reactions whereby calcium is released from the bones to help
neutralize the acid. Over time, this continual depletion of calcium
reserves is the primary cause of osteoporosis. Also, excess salt
pulls out calcium and other trace minerals in the urine and is a contributory
cause of osteoporosis.