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Discipleship Training Program And He said to
them, "You shall love the Lord your God
with all your
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the underlined homework
Key Point: Jesus is the seed
Law of Moses
1 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the seed
Law of Moses
2 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the Angel
Law of Moses
3 Homework:
Key Point: Joseph saving
His people
Law of Moses
4 Homework:
Key Point: The twelve tribes
Law of Moses
5 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the Prophet
Law of Moses
6 Homework:
Key Point: … born not of blood,
Law of Moses
7 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus said to them,
“I am
Law of Moses
8 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus said to him,
“I am
Law of Moses
9 Homework:
Key Point: … Jesus … “Behold
Law of Moses
10 Homework:
Key Point: … marriage of the
Law of Moses
11 Homework:
Key Point: ... he saw a man not
Law of Moses
12 Homework:
Key Point: “And
as Moses lifted up
Law of Moses
13 Homework:
Key Point: Teach your kids –
Law of Moses
14 Homework:
Key Point: History is the starting
Law of Moses
15 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the
Law of Moses
16 Homework:
Key Point: Moses and Aaron were
Law of Moses
17 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the King
Law of Moses
18 Homework:
Key Point: God revealed Himself
Law of Moses
19 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus is the child
Law of Moses
20 Homework:
Key Point: Jesus made an end
Law of Moses
21 Homework:
Key Point: For all the people
Law of Moses
22 Homework:
Key Point: … the
things that proceed
Law of Moses
23 Homework:
Key Point: Whosoever
is angry
Law of Moses
24 Homework:
Key Point: Work
for food which
Law of Moses
25 Homework:
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the underlined homework
Now He said to them, "These
are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all
things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and
Prophets and the Psalms must be fullfilled." Then
He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, ....
When I see locations of civil war battles, I always wondered why here? I now understand that the battle will occur where the soldier is located. The enemy seeks out the soldier and engages him in battle at the best location where he is at that time. The same is true in ministry. The enemy (devil) seeks out the soldier (God's child who profess Jesus' name for his personal salvation) and the enemy engages him in battle (enticing your heart) at the best location where he is at that time (what struggle are you dealing with right now - get ready for a battle). Think about that for a minute. If you are struggling with lust, get ready for temptation. If you are struggling with pride, get ready for self-righteousness. God tells me in Genesis 4:7 that I have a role to play in this battle. God tells Cain that sin is crouching at the door, but he must master it. That tells me that I have a role to play mastering the areas in my heart as described by Jesus in Matthew 15:19. Genesis 4:7
Matthew 15:18-19
Cain was angry. The enemy seeks out the soldier and engages him in battle at the best location where he is at that time. Anger is not the problem because I can show you multiple places in scripture where God is angry. His countenance fell and he was angry because his feelings were based upon his self-righteousness. He felt that he was good enough. Cults try to get their converts to feel that they are good enough. We are engaged in battle. Cults will tell them that they do not need the blood of the Lamb because they are good enough. Verse eight is an odd verse because it says Cain told Abel and then afterwards rose up to kill him. First, he told Abel what God had told him about himself. I guess Cain understood what God told him and he could just not handle the truth. Sin crouching is best described as a
big cat ready to pounce on an unsuspecting victim.
Remember the story of the Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego from Daniel 3:18. Daniel
My old pastor shared a story that I always remember when things get tough in ministry. In World War II when the planes with airborne troops were flying over German lines to drop our soldiers into battle, the pilots could not see because of all the smoke, clouds and darkness. The pilot only knew that he was over the target area when he started getting hit with enemy fire and flack from the air defense missiles. That was sometimes the only way the pilot could absolutely know that the plane was over the target area. The enemy seeks out the soldier and engages him in battle at the best location where he is at that time. I always tell people in my prison class, that they should expect other inmates to get mad at what they hear. In prison, we get every cult under the sun in addition to professing Christians just struggling in their walk. When a man gets mad, that means they understood exactly what I said when I told them that Jesus is the Messiah. I make no excuses for the fact that Jesus is God Himself born in the flesh to a virgin, that He lived a perfect life, that he died on a cross for the sins of mankind, and was raised from death into eternal life as the Lamb of God and our High Priest. I do not compromise what the Word says about Jesus. He wrote it and He will hold me accountable for how I present it. I tell them if they want to get mad, to get mad at God because I am just telling you what He says. John 14:6
Yesterday, I got news that made me both angry and sad all at the same time. It was a battle report from behind the front lines. A person inside the prison told me that the prison guards had been laughing at me. They were making sport of me by having me stand around in the sun waiting on the keys to open the gate for my class inside the prison chapel with the Faith Based Dorm inmates. It had become a game to them to waste my time. It was a power display. Instead of helping me get class started, they were purposely causing delays and then laughing at this volunteer standing around waiting on them. That is sad. The enemy seeks out the soldier and engages him in battle at the best location where he is at that time. God loves those prison guards just as much as He loves me. Which I guess is the only reason why two female bears did come down and take care of business like in 2 Kings 2:24, but God also loved those kids too. Send in the bears! I do not understand people. Why does God put up with us? What made me angry is that this delay had been going on for months. Every Tuesday afternoon, I would leave my house at 11:00, stop and make copies of homework for the inmates and arrive at the prison unit at 12:30. My class is scheduled to start at 1:00. For the past several months, class has not been starting until after 1:30 and sometimes as late as 2:00. My class is scheduled to end at 2:30. Afterwards, it is another hour drive back home in downtown Dallas traffic. Now I know that I have been a source of entertainment for a few of the guards by them having me stand around in the sun waiting on the keys. That is extremely sad. The time these men are wasting is my tithe to God. First fruit tithes are holy unto God. They might as well take money from my financial tithe out of the church bank account and purchase the services a prostitute. It is that serious of an offense. Think about the command God gave to the Israelites to keep the Sabbath holy. God demanded their time. Jesus told us that the Sabbath was made for man and not what the religious leaders had turned it into. They made the Sabbath into a ritual. Think about the serpent raised on the staff that God was pleased to have King Hezekiah destroy because the Israelites were burning incense to it and made it into an idol. I am offering God my Tuesday afternoons as a tithe of my personal time. I am not a paid church staff person. I did not choose Tuesday afternoons, but this was an open spot on the Faith Based Dorm calendar and they asked me to fill it with KairosMan. This was a big personal decision for me to give up my Tuesdays. I trust that God will provide and He always does. Now I learn that a few guards are wasting this tithe of my time as their entertainment. Your first fruit tithe is your very best and these men are treating it as unholy. How very sad. The enemy is attacking and I can feel
his fire. The enemy seeks out the soldier and engages him in battle
at the best location where he is at that time. A few weeks ago when
my patience was at a breaking point, I found a passage of scripture that
made all the difference in that particular battle for that particular
day. I was teaching on John 3:13-16 which references Numbers
21. Numbers 21:4 describes how the people became impatient.
I camped on that verse for about thirty minutes as I stood around waiting
on the guards to open the chapel gates. After class that day, an
inmate came up and told me that he had learned patience today by watching
me deal with the guards.
My patience ran out last week. The enemy seeks out the soldier and engages him in battle at the best location where he is at that time. After waiting thirty minutes on the guards to get the keys, I was walked down to the chapel gate and then told to wait some more while they searched for another key. After another fifteen minutes of standing around, I walked the football field length alley again to the front gate and found the new assistant warden. Please understand, I spent seven years in military service so I believe in using the chain of command. After talking to every person in the chain of command about this silly situation, I was just being ignored. I told the warden the situation and within minutes I was in the chapel starting my class. I also told the new warden that in my ten years of volunteer service at this particular prison that I have seen multiple wardens come and go, I have seen three different chaplains come and go, and I had one tough year operating without a chaplain, but in all that time volunteering in this prison has never been more difficult. They were fully staffed and volunteering has never been more frustrating. That is sad. Are you in a battle? First deal with the man in the mirror. If not, why not? Maybe you are not a threat to the enemy. Maybe you do not answer to the Commander
of the Lord's Army.
Do you remember when Joshua saw a Man with His sword drawn? The Man told Joshua to remove his sandals because the place were he stood is holy ground just like when Moses was in the presence of the burning bush. The Angel of the Lord was in the burning bush. The Angel of the Lord is this Man with His sword drawn talking to Joshua. He is described by a different name because He is performing a different function. Below is a very familiar verse from Luke 2 from both the New American Standard Version and the Amplified Version. Notice how the Amplified Version describes the heavenly host a little more completely as the army of the troops of heaven. I also like the heavenly knighthood description. Luke 2:13-14 New American Standard
Luke 2:13-14 Amplified Bible
Joshua 5:13-15 New American Standard
Joshua 5:13-15 Amplified Version
The enemy seeks out the soldier and engages him in battle at the best location where he is at that time. The host described above is an army of angels or a heavenly knighthood with my Savior Jesus acting as the Captain of the Lord's host. I love to think of Jesus as the gentle man who would not convict the adulterous woman, but that is the same Jesus who would turn over tables in the temple and drive out the money changers with a whip. Man, I love Jesus. The battle will take place at the location where the two armies meet. The question is are you ready for the battle? If satan himself passed by your ministry, would he be concerned about you and stop to draw up battle positions? Or would he just pass by because you are not a threat to his kingdom? You might be asking yourself, what ministry, what battle, what kingdom? Exactly, the question is, are you in the fight? Your ministry starts with the man in the mirror straightening out the issues inside your own heart. Then your ministry proceeds to those under your care like your wife and your child. Then it proceeds to those people impacted by your daily walk, and on, and on. The question is are you a soldier? If yes you are a soldier, then are you ready to die? A real soldier of Christ must die everyday to himself. Then he is ready to do battle on a different level under the command of the Captain of the Lord's host. Here is an example that is not a lofty religious situation, but a real life nuts and bolt illustration. I volunteered as a little league baseball coach for seventeen years. During that time, I served a few times as the coach for the All Star Team. During my first experience I discovered that 'select' teams who play together all year round look for tournaments with All Star teams registered to play. They look for these tournaments because they want to use the All Star team as a practice game and allow their boys a chance to beat up on my boys. For those outside of baseball, please allow me to explain the difference between an All Star team and a Select team. You can have a group of good players on a team, but it takes time to build team chemistry which is a real unit. Select teams typically play every week and stay together for years. Team chemistry occurs when the boys start playing for each other and not just the coach. All Star teams are just a collection of good players, but they have not had the time to 'jell'. Chemistry is how you develop a championship quality team. During my second tour as coach of the All Star team, I called around to all the other baseball associations and got the names of the coaches for their All Star Teams. After a few hours of making calls, we were an organized force of All Star coaches demanding that tournaments provide "All Star" pure tournaments and not allow 'select' teams to play our boys. It is not any fun to pay hundreds of dollars in tournament fees, drive all over the place for different games and then get killed by a super 'select' team that destroys your team without mercy. The plan worked and that year was a lot of fun for our boys. Well, I did run into one main fight. We had to protest my own league's tournament because they would not go along with the "All Star" pure plan. That was an awkward situation for me personally dealing with my own baseball association when I was the one who organized the protest. My own league was fighting me about having a "All Star" pure tournament. These were people who knew me because they have coached against me and with me for years. As difficult and awkward as the situation was, I cared more for the boys on the All Star team than I did about my relationship with the adults running the baseball league. I would not give in to the league pressure. Looking back, it is odd just how much pressure came at me over a silly little issue that was for the good of all the boys playing baseball. The problem was that I wanted change. Your local church is not any different. Let's say you have a ministry that you feel God leading you into providing. You take it to your local body, but they reject the ministry. That has happened to me on more than one occasion. You would think that the church leadership would be in full support of any and all ministry efforts, but that is just not the case. Church leaders have a responsibility to protect the flock. Just like some parents, they get out of balance and go overboard resisting any kind of change. Some of these people are just like the religious leaders Jesus talked to when He walked on this earth. People can be difficult to deal with because we create our own agenda. Some might be very religious people with good intentions, but do not assume that just because people have a degree from a bible school and collect a pay check from the church that they are right. The question to ask is do they love the flock enough to change? Are they serving in the army under the command of the Captain of the Lord's host? The fruit they produce will define what kind of tree they are and who they serve. If they are against ministry efforts, then they do not love. As a coach, I loved my players and I cared enough to stop the slaughter by 'select' teams in our 'All Star' tournaments. The Pharisees witnessed miracles, but rejected the Messiah because they were more concerned about their own agenda. My baseball association experienced the slaughter of our All Star teams for years, but I was demanding change and they preferred the status quo. The Pharisees saw Jesus perform miracles and that was part of the problem because He challenged how they handled church business and they wanted the status quo. I can tell you from experience that it is not any fun to get beat 29 to zero in 105 degree heat by a 'select' team. We actually had that happen to my team in an "All Star" pure tournament because I believe the other coach lied about being an All Star team. All Star teams typically have mixed match uniforms or an All Star uniform. These guys were the Tigers. Some of these kids from the Tigers looked four and five years older than any of our boys. These parents were rude, their coaches were thugs and the kids were very poor sports. As an example, they were destroying us in the game 29 to zero in 105 degree heat, my son was pitching and parents were heckling him from the stands. I asked the coach to be a good sport and please ask his parents to stop heckling. It nearly got out of hand. People are crazy. Why God loves people the way He does just blows my mind. Each individual person is made in
the image of the Living God. That is the part of man that God
is saving. The part that is made in His image. Each individual
on this planet deserves respect. If for no other reason, then because
he is made in the image of the Living God. Even if he is a coach
who lies about his team status and lies about the age of his players so
that they can beat up on younger children in a recreational sport where
all the teams had to pay hundreds of dollars to participate. God
loves all men the same. That blows my mind, but I know it is true
so I am nobody telling everybody about somebody who can save anybody.
That is what Thomas Jefferson understood when he wrote that all men are
created equal. That all men are endowed by their Creator with certain
unalienable rights.
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Click HERE to go back to the main KairosMan directory. Go to www.KairosMan.ORG for the Discipleship Training Program. Go to www.KairosMan.COM to read the "KairosMan" book for free. This discipleship program was developed
by Jeff Austin when he taught at the Hutchins State Jail.
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