Discipleship Training Program

And He said to them, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all soul, and with all your mind.'  "This is the great and foremost commandment.  "The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."
 Matthew 22:37-40 NASB

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Click the underlined week
to go to that lesson.

Click the underlined homework
to open the homework for that week
which uses the NASB translation;
New American Standard Bible

Week 1
Genesis Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the seed 
promised to Adam in Genesis 3:15

Law of Moses
Adam, Noah, & Abram 
The Prophets
The Psalms – Psalm 130
New Testament

Week 1 Homework
Read Psalm 72,
Isaiah chapters 1-10 & 
Genesis chapters 1-11

Week 2 
Genesis Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the seed 
promised to Abraham in Genesis 12:3
and the Lamb of God revealed in Genesis 22:8

Law of Moses 
Abraham & Isaac 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 72:10-11
New Testament

Week 2 Homework
Read Psalm 2, 
Isaiah chapters 11-20 & 
Genesis chapters 12-26

Week 3
Genesis Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the Angel 
of the Lord who wrestled with 
Jacob in Genesis 32:28-30

Law of Moses
Jacob changed to Israel 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 2
New Testament

Week 3 Homework
Read Psalm 33, 
Isaiah chapters 21-30 & 
Genesis chapters 27-36

Week 4
Genesis Overview

Key Point:  Joseph saving His people 
is a shadow/copy/pattern of 
Jesus saving His people

Law of Moses
The Prophets 
The Psalms
Psalm 33
New Testament

Week 4 Homework
Read Psalm 78, 
Isaiah chapters 31-39 & 
Genesis chapters 37-50

Week 5
Genesis Overview

Key Point: The twelve tribes were
created for God’s glory just like
the Kingdom of God for Jesus

Law of Moses
Twelve Tribes & Kingdom of God
The Prophets
The Psalms 
Psalm 78
New Testament

Week 5 Homework
Read Psalm 89, 
Isaiah chapters 40-55 & 
Exodus chapters 1-6

Week 6
Exodus Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the Prophet
promised to Moses in 
Deuteronomy 18:15

Law of Moses
The Prophets
  The Psalms
Psalm 89
New Testament

Week 6 Homework
Read Psalm 16, 
Isaiah chapters 56-66 & 
Exodus chapters 7-14

Week 7
Exodus Overview

Key Point: … born not of blood, 
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the 
will of man, but of God.  John 1:13

Law of Moses
Nation of Israel Exodus
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 16
New Testament

Week 7 Homework
Read Psalm 31, 
Exodus chapters 15-31, & 
the book of Hosea

Week 8
Exodus Overview

Key Point: Jesus said to them, “I am
the bread of life; … John 6:35

Law of Moses
God’s provision
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 31
New Testament

Week 8 Homework
Read Psalm 55, 
Exodus chapters 32-34, & 
the books of Joel & Amos

Week 9
Exodus Overview

Key Point: Jesus said to him, “I am
the way, and the truth, and the life; 
no one comes to the Father, 
but through Me.  John 14:6 

Law of Moses
Idol Worship
The Prophets
Joel & Amos
The Psalms
Psalm 55
New Testament

Week 9 Homework:
Read Psalm 41, 
Exodus chapters 35-40, & 
the books of Obadiah & Jonah

Week 10
Exodus Overview

Key Point: … Jesus … “Behold 
the Lamb of God who takes away 
the sin of the world!”  John 1:29

Law of Moses
The Prophets
Obadiah & Jonah
The Psalms
Psalm 41
New Testament

Week 10 Homework
Read Psalm 34, 
Leviticus chapters 15-20, & 
the books of Micah & Nahum

Week 11
Leviticus Overview

Key Point: … marriage of the Lamb
has come and His bride has made
herself ready.  Revelation 19:7

Law of Moses
Sexual Responsibility
 The Prophets 
Micah & Nahum
The Psalms
Psalm 34
New Testament

Week 11 Homework
Read Psalm 22, 
Numbers chapters 6-17, & 
the books of Habakkuk & Zephaniah

Week 12
Numbers Overview

Key Point: ... he saw a man not dressed
in wedding clothes.  Matthew 22:11

Law of Moses
Job Readiness
The Prophets
Habakkuk & Zephaniah
The Psalms
Psalm 22
New Testament

Week 12 Homework
Read Psalm 40, 
Numbers chapters 18-25, &
the books of Haggai & Malachi

Week 13
Numbers Overview

Key Point: “And as Moses lifted up
the serpent in the wilderness, even
so must the Son of Man be lifted up
John 3:14

Law of Moses
Serpent of Brass & Balaam
The Prophets
Haggai & Malachi
The Psalms
Psalm 40
New Testament

Week 13 Homework
Read Psalm 45, 
Deuteronomy chapters 1-11, & 
the book of Zechariah

Week 14
Deuteronomy Overview

Key Point: Teach your kids – 70% 
of children of offenders serve 
time in jail = 93 out of 133

Law of Moses
Israel’s next generation
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 45
New Testament

Week 14 Homework
Read Psalm 81, 
Deuteronomy chapters 12-25, & 
the book of Joshua

Week 15
Deuteronomy Overview

Key Point: History is the starting 
point for understanding.  God starts
the bible with history.

Law of Moses
Song of Moses
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 81
New Testament

Week 15 Homework:
Read Psalm 68, 
Deuteronomy chapters 26-34, 
& Daniel chapters 1-6

Week 16
Joshua, Judges & Ruth

Key Point:  Jesus is the captain 
of the host of the Lord who spoke
with Joshua.  Joshua 5:13-15

Law of Moses
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 68
New Testament

Week 16 Homework
Read Psalm 69, 
1 Samuel chapters 1-10, & 
Daniel chapters 7-12

Week 17
Samuel Overview

Key Point: Moses and Aaron were
among His priests, And Samuel 
was among those who called 
upon His name.  Psalm 99:6

Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 69 
New Testament

Week 17 Homework
Read Psalm 110, &
1 Samuel chapters 11-31

Week 18
David & Solomon Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the King promised
to David in 2 Samuel 7:12-13

 Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 110
New Testament

Week 18 Homework
Read Psalm 87, 
2 Samuel chapters 1-11 & 
Jeremiah chapters 1-10

Week 19
Elijah & Elisha Overview

Key Point: God revealed Himself 
to Elijah not with might, but as a 
gentle blowing.  1 Kings 19:12

 Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 87
New Testament

Week 19 Homework
Read Psalm 30,
2 Samuel chapters 12-24 & 
Jeremiah chapters 11-28

Week 20
Isaiah, Jeremiah & Ezekiel

Key Point: Jesus is the child foretold 
in Isaiah 9:6 to be our Prince of Peace.

 Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 30 
New Testament

Week 20 Homework
Read Psalm 32,
1 Kings 1-11, & 
Jeremiah chapters 29-39

Week 21
Daniel Overview

Key Point: Jesus made an end of 
sin and made atonement for iniquity 
as foretold in Daniel 9:24

Law of Moses 
The Prophets 
The Psalms
Psalm 32
New Testament

Week 21 Homework
Read Psalm 97, 
1 Kings chapters 12-22, & 
Jeremiah chapters 40-52

Week 22
Ezra, Nehemiah & Ester

Key Point: For all the people were
weeping when they heard the words
of the law.  Nehemiah 8:9

Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 97 
New Testament

Week 22 Homework
Read Psalm 35,
2 Kings chapters 1-10, & 
Ezekiel chapters 1-24

Week 23
Health Education

Key Point: … the things that proceed
out of the mouth come from the heart,
and those defile the man.  “For out of
the heart come evil thoughts, murders,
adulteries, fornications, thefts, false
witness, slanders.  “These are the
things which defile the man … 
Matthew 15:18-20

 Law of Moses
The Prophets
The Psalms 
Psalm 35
New Testament

Week 23 Homework
Read Psalm 25,
2 Kings chapters 11-25, & 
Ezekiel chapters 25-32

Week 24
Anger Management

Key Point: Whosoever is angry 
with his brother without a cause … 
Matthew 5:22

 Law of Moses
The Prophets - Ezekiel
The Psalms
Psalm 25 
New Testament

Week 24 Homework
Read Psalm 118,
1 Chronicles chapters 13-29, & 
Ezekiel chapters 33-39 

Week 25
Financial Stewardship

Key Point: Work for food which 
endures to eternal life.  John 6:27

 Law of Moses
 The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 118
New Testament

Week 25 Homework
Read Psalm 109,
2 Chronicles chapters 1-36, & 
Ezekiel chapters 40-48

Click the underlined week
to go to that lesson.

Click the underlined homework
to open the homework for that week
which uses the NASB translation;
New American Standard Bible


Now He said to them, "These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fullfilled." Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, ....
 Luke 24:44-45 NASB

I heard an old preacher say that a nation will follow the morality of the women.  I think he has a point.  In a recent conversation with a prison chaplain, he told me how he helped establish one of the first large-scale women prisons in the United States back in the 80's.  We just did not need large scale prisons for women before that time.  Our nation was changing.  The prophet Balaam lead the nation of Israel away from God by the sin of Peor.  Balaam told the local king to set up Hooters restaurants and the men would follow.  Well, it was not really a Hooters restaurant, but a temple where the men would offer sacrifices and then have sex with the temple prostitutes.  Moses gave the order to have Balaam killed for this advice.  Sansom was a weak man although he was the strongest man in all the earth.  David could not turn away from a beautiful woman named Bathsheba and committed murder to have her. 

Where the morality of the women lead, so the men of that nation will follow.  Where are you leading this nation?

1 Timothy 5:1-2
1 Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers
2 the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, in all purity

2 Corinthians 5: 16
Therefore from now on we recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer.

Genesis 5:1-2
1 This is the book of the generations of Adam.  In the day when God created man, He made him in the likeness of God
2 He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in the day when they were created. 

Ladies, your brothers-in-Christ need your help

It is a struggle for a man to admire your beauty before church service begins and then try to give our full attention to worshiping God with a whole heart and a willing mind.  If we were all out at the beach or at a dance party, then your choice of style, color and fashion might be more than acceptable.  Church is not that time.  Church is a time when a sinful Man comes to the holiness of our Living God to worship Him for His wonderful grace.  As a man saved by the grace of God, we want to see you as our sisters-in-Christ in all purity not recognizing you according to the flesh as Paul mentions in 2 Corinthians 5:16.  A woman can really make that task difficult for a man when you show up at church showing too much flesh and too much form. 

Understand, this is our problem as a man of the flesh.  We need your help with our problem.  God made woman and gave her beautiful form like a work of art.  As men, we are bombarded with sexuality from advertisements on TV to cheerleaders on the football field.  Women are not exempt from the social display of sexuality, but understand that a man processes this bombardment differently than a woman.  Christian women are the only ones who can help Christian men deal with our problem by how you choose to dress yourselves for our worship services.  It is said that women dress to impress other women.  That may be true, but men are getting caught in the cross fire. 

I have taught Christian men for years what the bible says about sexual responsibility.  On one occasion I had a young man ask me a question about the difference between appreciation of beauty and the lust of a woman.  How do you make the distinction?  I credit God with the answer because I never really gave it much thought before the question was asked, but I gave this example.  In your car, if you want to listen to the radio without running the engine you just turn the ignition switch over one notch.  If you turn the ignition switch over two notches, then the engine will turn on.  When you see a beautiful woman, you can appreciate the beauty God gave her in purity and not according to the flesh, but when you recognize your engine turning over, then you know you turned your ignition switch one click too far.  That should tell the Christian man to back off.

Genesis 5 tells us that God made Man both male and female.  Man refers to both genders. God made us equal, but different.  We have different forms and functions just like God the Father has a different form and function from God the Son, Jesus, who has a different from and function that God the Holy Spirit.  God gave Man the union of marriage to teach us about the relationship between the church and Christ.  We have different forms and functions within our marriage as husband and wife.  A man is commanded to love his wife.  A woman is commanded to submit to her husband.  As a man, I choose to be married.  As a married man, I choose to stay with my wife till death do us part.  As a married man, I use Ephesians 5:25 as my guide in loving my wife.  I often fail in my quest, but the Word is a very worthy guide.

Ephesians 5:22-30
22 Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 
23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. 
24 But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. 
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
26 so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 
27 that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless
28 So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself; 
29 for no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ also does the church, 
30 because we are members of His body. 

As a married man, I must remind myself of Job 31:1 when I observe your God given beauty and reestablish my covenant with my eyes.  I choose not to do more than admire your beauty in purity.  As a married man, I choose my relationship with my wife over the sins of lust.  As a sinner, I choose my relationship with Christ over the desires of my flesh.  This is a battle regardless of my choices.  That is why Christian men need your help in our battle.  In a church of one thousand people, on average five hundred will be women.  This message really only applies to about fifty Christian ladies of those five hundred members, but those fifty impact every single person in that church.  Please help. 

I know it might be the fashion the wear a skin tight top with a low neck line and fitted mini-skirts.  It might be the style to accent that top with a necklace that draws attention to the fabulous curves God gave you as a woman.  As a man, I appreciate your beauty, but as a Christian I do not want to recognize you according to the flesh at church.  Please do not go to church dressed like that.  If you are out on a date, you should demand all the attention from your man.  Think of church service as God's date with Man (both male and female).  Do you think God will be happy that you actively choose to take attention away from Him and draw His attention to yourself with your fashion, style and color? 

Church is supposed to be about people recognizing their need for a Savior in this fallen world, coming together to praise the Living God for His mercy and raise the name of Jesus above all names

I remember a birthday party for a friend of my son when he was about five years old.  One kid was jealous of all the attention going to the birthday boy so he threw himself a little fit to get all the attention on him.  That was such disrespectful behavior.  How do you think the Living God will respond to a woman stealing His attention at His worship service by how she chooses to dress?  I feel like Paul writing in 2 Corinthians 5 begging Christian women to act like ambassadors for Christ at church.

2 Corinthians 5:20-21
20 Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making an appeal through us; we beg you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God
21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 

Now, I know that some women will be mad at me for writing this.  First, thank you for visiting this web site and taking the time to hear me out.  Second, I'm glad that you are mad.  That means you completely understood what I said.  I wish you were not angry with me, but I do not apologize because I believe this is how God feels about the situation. 

Consider the following verses.

Exodus 20:25-26
25 If you make an altar of stone for Me, you shall not build it of cut stones, for if you wield your tool on it, you will profane it. 
26 And you shall not go up by steps to My altar, so that your nakedness will not be exposed on it.' 

Exodus 28:40-43
40 "For Aaron's sons you shall make tunics; you shall also make sashes for them, and you shall make caps for them, for glory and for beauty
41 You shall put them on Aaron your brother and on his sons with him; and you shall anoint them and ordain them and consecrate them, that they may serve Me as priests. 
42 You shall make for them linen breeches to cover their bare flesh; they shall reach from the loins even to the thighs. 
43 They shall be on Aaron and on his sons when they enter the tent of meeting, or when they approach the altar to minister in the holy place, so that they do not incur guilt and die.  It shall be a statute forever to him and to his descendants after him.

Leviticus 10:1-3
1 Now Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans, and after putting fire in them, placed incense on it and offered strange fire before the Lord, which He had not commanded them. 
2 And fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord
3 Then Moses said to Aaron, "It is what the Lord spoke, saying, 'By those who come near Me I will be treated as holy, And before all the people I will be honored.'" So Aaron, therefore, kept silent. 

Leviticus 15:31
"Thus you shall keep the sons of Israel separated from their uncleanness, so that they will not die in their uncleanness by their defiling My tabernacle that is among them."

Leviticus 20:26
Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine

God knows color and beauty.  I love Exodus 28 where God dresses His priests for glory and for beauty.  Think about the interior of the tabernacle.  It had fine woven cloth from skilled craftsmen given the Spirit of the Living God to guide their hands.  God is an artist.  God created the most beautiful work of art when he fashioned woman as a help mate for man. 

God made all the colors in our world including the different colors of all the people in the world.  God knows true color and true beauty.  The problem is when the beauty of man leads to pride which leads to the fall. Consider Isaiah 3:16-4 where God considers the filth of the daughters of Zion because of pride.  It has always amazed me just how many key scriptures have the address of 3:16.

Isaiah 3:16-4:6
16 Moreover, the Lord said, "Because the daughters of Zion are proud And walk with heads held high and seductive eyes, And go along with mincing steps And tinkle the bangles on their feet,
17 Therefore the Lord will afflict the scalp of the daughters of Zion with scabs, And the Lord will make their foreheads bare."
18 In that day the Lord will take away the beauty of their anklets, headbands, crescent ornaments, 
19 dangling earrings, bracelets, veils, 
20 headdresses, ankle chains, sashes, perfume boxes, amulets, 
21 finger rings, nose rings, 
22 festal robes, outer tunics, cloaks, money purses, 
23 hand mirrors, undergarments, turbans and veils. 
24 Now it will come about that instead of sweet perfume there will be putrefaction; Instead of a belt, a rope; Instead of well-set hair, a plucked-out scalp; Instead of fine clothes, a donning of sackcloth; And branding instead of beauty.
25 Your men will fall by the sword And your mighty ones in battle.
26 And her gates will lament and mourn, And deserted she will sit on the ground.
Isaiah 4:1-6
1 For seven women will take hold of one man in that day, saying, "We will eat our own bread and wear our own clothes, only let us be called by your name; take away our reproach!" 
2 In that day the Branch of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel. 
3 It will come about that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy-everyone who is recorded for life in Jerusalem. 
4 When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning
5 then the Lord will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy. 
6 There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain.

God shared a conversation that He had with the fallen angel we refer to as Satan with His prophet Ezekiel in chapet 28 below.  Man can learn a great lesson from this conversation.  Our heart can be lifted up because of beauty.  Our wisdom can be corrupted because of our splendor.  Do not be led astray by your beauty and splendor

Ezekiel 28:17
"Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor. I cast you to the ground; I put you before kings, That they may see you.

I love the story of Isaac and Rebekah.  Rebekah had such a wonderful servant heart and the bible describes her as a beautiful woman who practiced abstinence as seen in Genesis 24.

Genesis 24:16-20
16 The girl was very beautiful, a virgin, and no man had had relations with her; and she went down to the spring and filled her jar and came up. 
17 Then the servant ran to meet her, and said, "Please let me drink a little water from your jar." 
18 She said, "Drink, my lord"; and she quickly lowered her jar to her hand, and gave him a drink. 
19 Now when she had finished giving him a drink, she said, "I will draw also for your camels until they have finished drinking." 
20 So she quickly emptied her jar into the trough, and ran back to the well to draw, and she drew for all his camels.

Where is your heart?  How is your wisdom?  What about your abstinence? 
Ladies, your brothers-in-Christ need your help.  Thanks in advance.

Click the underlined message below to go to the notes for that sermon.

Teacher Outline

Tithe - Firstling

Eternal Death

Women in Church Service



Youth Prison

United States blood

Why this battlefield?

Trinity of Man

Kingdom of God

Bad Sons & Ichabod

Fishing with his Grandson

Names of God

Canopy Theory in Creation

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Go to www.KairosMan.COM to read the "KairosMan" book for free. 

This discipleship program was developed by Jeff Austin when he taught at the Hutchins State Jail. 
You can contact Jeff by either writing to P.O. Box 2468, Coppell, TX 75019 or email him at kairosmandfw@gmail.com.

Thank you for visiting KairosMan.