Discipleship Training Program

And He said to them, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all soul, and with all your mind.'  "This is the great and foremost commandment.  "The second is like it, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets."
 Matthew 22:37-40 NASB

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Click the underlined week
to go to that lesson.

Click the underlined homework
to open the homework for that week
which uses the NASB translation;
New American Standard Bible

Week 1
Genesis Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the seed 
promised to Adam in Genesis 3:15

Law of Moses
Adam, Noah, & Abram 
The Prophets
The Psalms – Psalm 130
New Testament

Week 1 Homework
Read Psalm 72,
Isaiah chapters 1-10 & 
Genesis chapters 1-11

Week 2 
Genesis Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the seed 
promised to Abraham in Genesis 12:3
and the Lamb of God revealed in Genesis 22:8

Law of Moses 
Abraham & Isaac 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 72:10-11
New Testament

Week 2 Homework
Read Psalm 2, 
Isaiah chapters 11-20 & 
Genesis chapters 12-26

Week 3
Genesis Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the Angel 
of the Lord who wrestled with 
Jacob in Genesis 32:28-30

Law of Moses
Jacob changed to Israel 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 2
New Testament

Week 3 Homework
Read Psalm 33, 
Isaiah chapters 21-30 & 
Genesis chapters 27-36

Week 4
Genesis Overview

Key Point:  Joseph saving His people 
is a shadow/copy/pattern of 
Jesus saving His people

Law of Moses
The Prophets 
The Psalms
Psalm 33
New Testament

Week 4 Homework
Read Psalm 78, 
Isaiah chapters 31-39 & 
Genesis chapters 37-50

Week 5
Genesis Overview

Key Point: The twelve tribes were
created for God’s glory just like
the Kingdom of God for Jesus

Law of Moses
Twelve Tribes & Kingdom of God
The Prophets
The Psalms 
Psalm 78
New Testament

Week 5 Homework
Read Psalm 89, 
Isaiah chapters 40-55 & 
Exodus chapters 1-6

Week 6
Exodus Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the Prophet
promised to Moses in 
Deuteronomy 18:15

Law of Moses
The Prophets
  The Psalms
Psalm 89
New Testament

Week 6 Homework
Read Psalm 16, 
Isaiah chapters 56-66 & 
Exodus chapters 7-14

Week 7
Exodus Overview

Key Point: … born not of blood, 
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the 
will of man, but of God.  John 1:13

Law of Moses
Nation of Israel Exodus
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 16
New Testament

Week 7 Homework
Read Psalm 31, 
Exodus chapters 15-31, & 
the book of Hosea

Week 8
Exodus Overview

Key Point: Jesus said to them, “I am
the bread of life; … John 6:35

Law of Moses
God’s provision
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 31
New Testament

Week 8 Homework
Read Psalm 55, 
Exodus chapters 32-34, & 
the books of Joel & Amos

Week 9
Exodus Overview

Key Point: Jesus said to him, “I am
the way, and the truth, and the life; 
no one comes to the Father, 
but through Me.  John 14:6 

Law of Moses
Idol Worship
The Prophets
Joel & Amos
The Psalms
Psalm 55
New Testament

Week 9 Homework:
Read Psalm 41, 
Exodus chapters 35-40, & 
the books of Obadiah & Jonah

Week 10
Exodus Overview

Key Point: … Jesus … “Behold 
the Lamb of God who takes away 
the sin of the world!”  John 1:29

Law of Moses
The Prophets
Obadiah & Jonah
The Psalms
Psalm 41
New Testament

Week 10 Homework
Read Psalm 34, 
Leviticus chapters 15-20, & 
the books of Micah & Nahum

Week 11
Leviticus Overview

Key Point: … marriage of the Lamb
has come and His bride has made
herself ready.  Revelation 19:7

Law of Moses
Sexual Responsibility
 The Prophets 
Micah & Nahum
The Psalms
Psalm 34
New Testament

Week 11 Homework
Read Psalm 22, 
Numbers chapters 6-17, & 
the books of Habakkuk & Zephaniah

Week 12
Numbers Overview

Key Point: ... he saw a man not dressed
in wedding clothes.  Matthew 22:11

Law of Moses
Job Readiness
The Prophets
Habakkuk & Zephaniah
The Psalms
Psalm 22
New Testament

Week 12 Homework
Read Psalm 40, 
Numbers chapters 18-25, &
the books of Haggai & Malachi

Week 13
Numbers Overview

Key Point: “And as Moses lifted up
the serpent in the wilderness, even
so must the Son of Man be lifted up
John 3:14

Law of Moses
Serpent of Brass & Balaam
The Prophets
Haggai & Malachi
The Psalms
Psalm 40
New Testament

Week 13 Homework
Read Psalm 45, 
Deuteronomy chapters 1-11, & 
the book of Zechariah

Week 14
Deuteronomy Overview

Key Point: Teach your kids – 70% 
of children of offenders serve 
time in jail = 93 out of 133

Law of Moses
Israel’s next generation
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 45
New Testament

Week 14 Homework
Read Psalm 81, 
Deuteronomy chapters 12-25, & 
the book of Joshua

Week 15
Deuteronomy Overview

Key Point: History is the starting 
point for understanding.  God starts
the bible with history.

Law of Moses
Song of Moses
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 81
New Testament

Week 15 Homework:
Read Psalm 68, 
Deuteronomy chapters 26-34, 
& Daniel chapters 1-6

Week 16
Joshua, Judges & Ruth

Key Point:  Jesus is the captain 
of the host of the Lord who spoke
with Joshua.  Joshua 5:13-15

Law of Moses
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 68
New Testament

Week 16 Homework
Read Psalm 69, 
1 Samuel chapters 1-10, & 
Daniel chapters 7-12

Week 17
Samuel Overview

Key Point: Moses and Aaron were
among His priests, And Samuel 
was among those who called 
upon His name.  Psalm 99:6

Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 69 
New Testament

Week 17 Homework
Read Psalm 110, &
1 Samuel chapters 11-31

Week 18
David & Solomon Overview

Key Point: Jesus is the King promised
to David in 2 Samuel 7:12-13

 Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 110
New Testament

Week 18 Homework
Read Psalm 87, 
2 Samuel chapters 1-11 & 
Jeremiah chapters 1-10

Week 19
Elijah & Elisha Overview

Key Point: God revealed Himself 
to Elijah not with might, but as a 
gentle blowing.  1 Kings 19:12

 Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 87
New Testament

Week 19 Homework
Read Psalm 30,
2 Samuel chapters 12-24 & 
Jeremiah chapters 11-28

Week 20
Isaiah, Jeremiah & Ezekiel

Key Point: Jesus is the child foretold 
in Isaiah 9:6 to be our Prince of Peace.

 Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 30 
New Testament

Week 20 Homework
Read Psalm 32,
1 Kings 1-11, & 
Jeremiah chapters 29-39

Week 21
Daniel Overview

Key Point: Jesus made an end of 
sin and made atonement for iniquity 
as foretold in Daniel 9:24

Law of Moses 
The Prophets 
The Psalms
Psalm 32
New Testament

Week 21 Homework
Read Psalm 97, 
1 Kings chapters 12-22, & 
Jeremiah chapters 40-52

Week 22
Ezra, Nehemiah & Ester

Key Point: For all the people were
weeping when they heard the words
of the law.  Nehemiah 8:9

Law of Moses 
The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 97 
New Testament

Week 22 Homework
Read Psalm 35,
2 Kings chapters 1-10, & 
Ezekiel chapters 1-24

Week 23
Health Education

Key Point: … the things that proceed
out of the mouth come from the heart,
and those defile the man.  “For out of
the heart come evil thoughts, murders,
adulteries, fornications, thefts, false
witness, slanders.  “These are the
things which defile the man … 
Matthew 15:18-20

 Law of Moses
The Prophets
The Psalms 
Psalm 35
New Testament

Week 23 Homework
Read Psalm 25,
2 Kings chapters 11-25, & 
Ezekiel chapters 25-32

Week 24
Anger Management

Key Point: Whosoever is angry 
with his brother without a cause … 
Matthew 5:22

 Law of Moses
The Prophets - Ezekiel
The Psalms
Psalm 25 
New Testament

Week 24 Homework
Read Psalm 118,
1 Chronicles chapters 13-29, & 
Ezekiel chapters 33-39 

Week 25
Financial Stewardship

Key Point: Work for food which 
endures to eternal life.  John 6:27

 Law of Moses
 The Prophets
The Psalms
Psalm 118
New Testament

Week 25 Homework
Read Psalm 109,
2 Chronicles chapters 1-36, & 
Ezekiel chapters 40-48

Click the underlined week
to go to that lesson.

Click the underlined homework
to open the homework for that week
which uses the NASB translation;
New American Standard Bible


Now He said to them, "These are My words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fullfilled." Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, ....
 Luke 24:44-45 NASB

Deuteronomy 12:23-27 
23 Only be sure not to eat the blood, for the blood is the life, and you shall not eat the life with the flesh. 
24 You shall not eat it; you shall pour it out on the ground like water. 
25 You shall not eat it, so that it may be well with you and your sons after you, for you will be doing what is right in the sight of the Lord
26 Only your holy things which you may have and your votive offerings, you shall take and go to the place which the Lord chooses. 
27 And you shall offer your burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, on the altar of the Lord your God; and the blood of your sacrifices shall be poured out on the altar of the Lord your God, and you shall eat the flesh.

First things first, a votive offering is a religious vow of personal property that acts like a deposit to be redeemed later.  Notice that verse 25 says that you will be doing right in the sight of the Lord not to eat the blood.  How is it that not eating blood can make this situation well with you and your sons?  This statement leads me to believe that eating blood has implications that are not fully explained here in this text.  That is not unusual.  God typically only tells us what He wants us to know and not the whole story.  Believing God beyond what He says is called faith. 

Think about the information we have on creation.  God only tells us what we need to know in just a few short chapters.  He does not tell us every aspect of how He made everything.  You just need to know that God is in control.  Some might say that if He would just tell us a little more, then people would believe.  No, scripture does tell us that just because a man is exposed to the truth does not mean he will accept it.  A self-righteous man can see another person raised from the dead and that self-righteous man will just explain away what he saw to justify what he believes.  That is what mankind does.  Man will justify his actions with all kinds of excuses to satisfy his conscience.

Governments do the same thing because they are operated by mortal man.

SOAPBOX:  This is not biblical truth, but this is my humble opinion; if American blood is spilled in the act of war then that land should become a territory under the control of our country.  A few topics we discuss will have a backdrop of theology, but will be based upon life issues.  One example is the canopy theory which is based upon bible references, but is not a direct quote in the bible.  When I discuss areas like that I want you to know that this is not a direct bible reference, but the subject is evaluated based upon the backdrop of scripture.

This subject is based upon the backdrop of my scriptural understanding and is not straight from the Word of God.  I personally consider the blood of each soldier has having great worth and value beyond measure.  I do not want a single soldier to die in vain on any battlefield because of a political agenda.  Life is precious.  Again, this is just my opinion as an American based upon how I evaluate the whole of scripture.  With that said, that would mean that Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan would all become territories under the control of our government.  We could even stretch this theory back in time and apply it to Korea, Vietnam and Mexico where American blood was spilled on the battlefield.

Did you know that America manages several territories right now?  We manage islands in the Pacific to include Samoa, Guam and the Mariana Islands.  We also manage Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.  The United States manages native American lands inside our own borders.  Why not add Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan to that list?  Why not ask them to help pay for the cost of these military operations?  Why go to war if you do not take control of the land?  Why lose American fighting men and go into serious financial debt fighting a war only to walk away as if nothing had ever happened?  Why fight at all if you are not fighting to win?  We need our military Commander and Chief to get his boots on the actual battlefield with our American troops and stay at the battle until the fight is over!  If you remember the story of David and Bathsheba, you know that it would have been better for the king and for the country if the commander would have been with his troops at the battlefield instead of running around with another man's wife back home.  His job was to look out for the best interests of the people, but David was too busy with his own desires and it cost many people their lives.  God will hold him accountable for that and He will hold our leaders accountable. 

I saw a news report several months ago that really got my blood boiling.  A young soldier had lost both legs and one arm in an explosion while serving in Afghanistan.  I see this man as my brother-in-arms and my heart goes out to this young soldier.  He is only in his twenties.  I have a son in his twenties.  It was a nice story about the modifications made to his home due to his loss, but the story just made me furious.  The land where he lost his limbs should be our property generating tax revenue for our people inside our country. 

If you are not going to keep the land, then why go to war?  I would not want my kids or myself to loose limbs in these 'police actions'.  If you are going to war, go to war to take possession of the land and control the territory so that the sacrifice of our soldiers can be a blessing to his future generations.  Why does our government ask our soldiers to fight, die, bleed, and then just walk away empty handed?  Not only empty handed, but our children will have to carry the financial burden of these wars in our national debt.  How does that make any sense?  To the victor, go the spoils.

When I was a young man, I was a soldier and served with men who fought in Vietnam and Korea.  I have family members who have served in World War II, Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan.  When I was seventeen, I joined the Texas Army National Guard (TANG) for a college bonus program.  My original college plan was playing football, but a knee injury and the lack of talent both stood in my way of a scholarship.  My mom had to co-sign my enlistment papers, but I was a weekend warrior my last year of high school serving as a combat engineer.  When I was eighteen I started a year long Officer Candidate School offered by TANG and graduated a few months after my nineteenth birthday.  O-C-2-8-duty-honor-country-state was our motto in my officer training class.  While attending college, I also completed several other military courses such as Nuclear, Biological and Chemical School, the Junior Officer Engineering Course and the Junior Officer Maintenance Course.

Here is my oath of office:  I, Jeff Austin, having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of 2 Lieutenant do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

In my life, I have made three serious oaths never realizing the magnitude of those promises until much later in life.  When I was twelve, I made an oath to God that I believed Jesus is the Christ and was baptized for the forgiveness of my sins.  I did not appreciate His grace until I was in my late thirties when He called me into the prison ministry.  Thank you Jesus!  When I was nineteen I made the oath above when I got my commission as an Army officer.  When I was twenty-five, I made an oath to my wife to love her until death do us part.  God gets all the credit for me keeping the oath to my wife.  It is only by His grace that I am still married because He changed my heart and my mind.  Thank you Jesus!

Click the underlined message below to go to the notes for that sermon.

Teacher Outline

Tithe - Firstling

Eternal Death

Women in Church Service



Youth Prison

United States blood

Why this battlefield?

Trinity of Man

Kingdom of God

Bad Sons & Ichabod

Fishing with his Grandson

Names of God

Canopy Theory in Creation

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This discipleship program was developed by Jeff Austin when he taught at the Hutchins State Jail.
You can contact Jeff by either writing to P.O. Box 2468, Coppell, TX 75019 or email him at kairosmandfw@gmail.com.

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